Search results

  1. stever

    New Indoor Pool

    You might remember me from my pool build a few years ago -- thank you again for all of the advice. My father in now in the process of building a pool house with an indoor pool (North of San Diego). The idea is that it will stay cleaner and warmer -- the warmth allowing year-round use without...
  2. stever

    Cleaning Intellichlor40

    My pool was finished a bit over 9 months ago and has an IC40 SWCG. It worked great last season. Then it got cold and it shut off -- still fine. This season as the waster has warmed up I raised the percentage to keep the water balanced -- and raised it -- and raised it. OK something is wrong...
  3. stever

    Plumbing for 2-level solar?

    Many of you may remember I could have been happier with my solar heating installation. It now has 4 panels on a low roof plumbed in series with 10 panels on a high roof. The 4 lower panels (that ALL the water has to go through) cause quite a resitriction and either make the pump work very hard...
  4. stever

    Pentair Quad DE 100 - cleaning question

    Thought I'd ask a questions that's been bugging me for 6 months: I have a Quad DE 100 filter (see rest of specs below) and have just cleaned it for the beginning of the season (and because the landscape work is finished -- so the daily shower with dirt is over). I figured it would be pretty...
  5. stever

    Rainbird Irrigation Controllers

    Hello, Is there anybody out there who knows anythingn about RainBird LMM-DTC IQ irrigation controllers? The controller our landscape put in is the ESP-LX controller that can be upgraded to a computer controller. Being the tech-loving-guy I am, just wondered how much this expansion module...
  6. stever

    Backyard Landscaping Project - Final Pics!

    Hello all, My pool was finished 2 months ago and I'm in the process of getting the landscaping done. If you remember the yard has a bit of a slope -- so I have terrased an area with keystone walls (verazzo). I am trying to pick out plants and wanted some advice: I'll have 2-3 trees around...
  7. stever

    Solar Installation

    It's been a month and we have started to use the solar. I have two banks -- high roof and low roof -- both facing south. The lower bank has 4-4x8 panels and is about 5 feet baove the pump level and the upper bank has 10 4x8 panels and is 8 feet above the lower bank. I think the panels are...
  8. stever

    Pentair Intellitouch 7

    Hi, We have recently completed our build and I'm getting used to programming the I7. Yes, I know I typically overcomplicate things, but that's me -- and there's no changin' me. Yes I have a load of automatic valves, but this is not causing my problems -- as I can just ignore them for the...
  9. stever

    Suggestions on Pool-Side Storage?

    My wife and I are looking into a place to store all of the assorted pool goodies -- masks, tubes, water-weenies, foats, rafts, etc. (Seems the longer the pool build was delayed the more 'stuff' we accumulated :shock: ). There are a number of Rubbermaid storage bins out there, but they have had...
  10. stever

    Concrete Sealers & Non-Slip Additives

    Many of you have mentioned that you have used a concret sealer on your deck -- especially with a non-slip additive. In looking into it, it seems there are a bunch of products for the sealer and a bunch more for the anti-slip additive. I have seen the following anti-slip products: - Shark Grip...
  11. stever

    Date format & screen width

    Two small issues -- and please do not interpret this as picking -- I love the new look! 1) if I am not logged in the default date format is Tue June 08 or something like that. Even if the post is more than a weeek old, it only gives the dat of the week instead of the day. I know this is fixed...
  12. stever

    Partial Valve Positions

    I may have touches on this before, but I had my equipment put in a little different than they said it would be done. Probably not a big deal, but I must appeal to the guru's of TFP: If a three-way valve is open to a stop partially -- lets say I want half of the water to go to the pool returns...
  13. stever

    New Building Code - Additional Requirements

    I understand from talking with some senior plan-checkers here that California is now enforcing the new 2006 IBC (2007 CBC) building code and that requires a soils report for all retaining walls. Walls over a certian height will need to be designed for seismic earth pressures in addition to the...
  14. stever

    New category...?

    It's that time of year! Everybody is building and there's tons of new pictures and builds to talk about. I - -like everybody else -- loves to see the progress of everybody's pool construction. I like to see all of the great ideas and beautiful pools. In general people (myself included) are...
  15. stever

    Pentair VF De-Rated?

    I saw a reference on another forum about the VF being down-rated recently from 160 GPM to 130 GPM. I can't however find and backup for this statement. Anybody have any insight on this? If so, would this also hold true for the VS? ... 06.html?13...
  16. stever

    Differences in Quad-DE and Standard DE Filters

    I started asking about filters in my pool-build thread, but will continue here as this is equipment related: JasonLion offered the following when I asked about upgrading from the Pentair FNS-Plus-60 to the Quad-DE-100 filter: I believe this will increase efficiency, lengthen times between...
  17. stever

    Calcium & Salt

    Hello, We have hard water in our area and I have been told by our PB that we should expect to drain our pool every 3 to 4 years to keep the calcium under control. As I am considering using a stone on the raised bond beam -- calcium build-up concerns me greatly. I love the look, but don't want...
  18. stever

    Good Material Choices? Advice Needed

    Hi, My pool construction is waiting on me now. I am at the stage where my wife and I must choose the coping, tile and -- in this case -- raised bond beam finishes. We have chosen a bull-nosed tumbled stone coping called Durango Stone ('Dorado' color), a water-line tile, and a stacked-stone...
  19. stever

    Indoor Pool - What should be considered?

    Hello, My father is wanting to build an indoor pool -- their house is in a very windy area, etc. It'll keep the pool cleaner and used more year-round as well. He'll have solar (of course) for at leeat 100% of the pool area. What are the concerns with an indoor pool? Can anybody help with...
  20. stever

    SWG to Spa or not?

    There has been some debate recently over the correct location of the SWG relative to the Spa. Some say that if the SWG runs to the spa, it will overchlorinate. Others maintain that the spa needs some sort of chlorination. I'm sure there is no 100% correct answer and it depends on the use...
  21. stever

    Stever's Pool Build

    Hi All, First I'd like to thank all of you for all of your help over the last months. I have lurked around, asked a question or two and learned a lot. We moved into our house 4 years ago and wanted a pool from the start... but it was not that easy. The house sits on .67 acre of land with a...
  22. stever

    please help me post build pictures.... .

    test of picture posting:
  23. stever

    Bypass Heater with Automation System

    I'm putting together all of the final pieces for our pool -- should start construction in 6 weeks or so (rain permitting). Being in Southern California (and possibly putting in a solar system) we will not use the heater much -- except for heating the spa. Looking at the way heaters are made --...
  24. stever

    Spa/Pool One-Pump System w/Intelliflo

    Hi, Does anybody have any experience with running a one-pump system for the pool & spa with an intelliflo pump? Of the 160 GPM max I want to divert some of the flow (say 120 GPM) to the jets and the rest (40 GPM ??) to the filter & heater. My pool installer is new to the one-pump Intelliflo...
  25. stever

    Very Low GPM with DE filter & Automatic Cleaner

    Hello all, I'm new here, I am getting ready to start on our in-ground pool (about 20,000 gal) with spa and have been trying to do everything possible to minimize electriciry usage as we live in southern California (enough said). Also, the quiteter the better. With that in mind, I am looking...