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    Considering FAFCO Solar Bear Panels and would love some advice

    Just put up our Intex 16x32 ABG last year and realized right away that we would like to heat it this year. Besides for enjoyment, it is water therapy for our seven year old daughter who doesn't take the cold very well and would definitely benefit from being able to swim earlier and later in the...
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    Terrible water at opening and SLAM

    New pool owners last year and we did not get it covered soon enough or well enough for winter. The water is UGLY. We have gotten all the big stuff out that we can and are running our robot and sand filter. We started to attempt a SLAM yesterday with a CYA of about 35. We have a 14,000 gal above...
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    Filterballs? Anyone tried them?

    An ad just popped up on my Facebook for Filterballs at Walmart. They replace sand, are lighter, and filter down to 5 microns according to the description. We’ve used similar in our fish tanks, so I get the concept, but just curious how well they work...
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    Could low CYA be affecting my SLAM?

    Filled our 16x32 Intex AGP from our creek and began SLAM 5 days ago. I would say there is probably progress, but the water is still quite green. I think it lost most of it's brownish color. I completely understand this may take awhile with the creek water and all, but could my CYA being too low...
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    Robot or Automatic Cleaner for 16x32 Intex AGP?

    Good afternoon! Hoping for some input on robots vs automatic pool cleaner (suction type). We have an Intex 16x32 Intex AGP - rectangular. If we went with a robot, it would need to be on the lower end ($300 or less). What are the advantages to the robot for the extra $$? Our pump is .6 hp, so...
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    Intex 16x32 Surface Skimmer Question

    Our brand new Intex 16x32 is up and running and we have so much small debris on the top of the water since this pool doesn't have a proper surface skimmer. Going to purchase the one linked below. Does anyone know if the plugs that come with the pool will be sufficient to plug one inlet so we can...
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    Pool almost full. I don't THINK I need to slam...advice?

    Our 16x32 rectangular AG Intex is almost full at last. We probably have about 6 hours to go. It is filling from our creek, running through the sand filter. The water is pretty murky, sort of greenish brown. I'm sure that's to be expected. Couple of questions: Should we start filtering the water...
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    New ABG Intex 16x32 Rectangular Filling - Chemical questions

    Our new pool is up and filling from our creek using a sump pump and running through the sand filter and a duda filter. We are currently at about 14" of water, approximately 4500 gal of water. The only thing we added was 12.5% chlorine using Pool Math, aiming for 3 PPM. It got us to 1.8 PPM...
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    Water from the creek is flowing! Question about sand filter pump for Intex 16x32

    Our new Intex 16x32 rectangular ABG pool is UP! So as not to risk stressing our well, we decided to pump from our creek. We have a sump pump in a bucket in the creek with a garden hose running to the pool. At the moment, we just have a duda filter on the end of the hose. The water looks clear...
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    Leveling question - Intex 16x32

    Greetings! Just took delivery of an Intex 16x32 rectangular ABG on Friday. Working on leveling and placing pavers. So, we started on the high side with 8x16x4 pavers and have leveled all the way around. The problem is, on the low side (the back), the pavers are about 4" above ground and so are...
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    Intex 16x32 New Install - Pavers & Dimensions questions

    Greetings from Sabula, Iowa! We will be accepting delivery of an Intex 16x32 ABG on Friday. Currently working on leveling the ground. Sand was just delivered. The plan is to bring the high side down to the low side, measuring 18x34 total, then place the 4x8x16 concrete blocks, then fill with...
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    Using creek to fill pool and chemicals needed

    We have an Intex 16x32 with SWG on the way! We've been trying to brainstorm the best way to fill the pool because we're on a well. We were told not too long ago that the pump will need replaced soon, and so we are afraid filling the pool will do it in, thus literally doubling the cost of the...