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  1. M

    Baking soda and calcium joined forces against me

    Hi all, I have some new stains on the floor of the deep end of my pebble-tec pool. I thought they were created just because I waited a couple minutes before sweeping away the baking soda I had added before adding calcium chloride. But reading through other threads, I wonder now if I added the...
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    Calcium chloride products

    Hi all, Is 94% Snow Joe CaCl2 the standard for what most people use to raise calcium hardness? I found a few threads...just curious what everyone's using. I was using PuriTech which claimed to be 100% CaCl2 (though another thread suggested this wasn't true), but it's gone way up in price...
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    WaterGuru test results over time

    Hi all, I found a few threads here comparing WaterGuru results to manual measurements, but all spot checks. I wondered if anyone has significant data on this? I've had mine a little over a month and compiled some results. If there were consistent offsets between the measurements, even within...
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    More corrosion questions from a skeptical SWG wannabe convert

    Hi all, After adding solar and keeping our pool warmer this summer, I'm more seriously considering adding a SWG as the chlorine demand is getting more intense. The general opinion here at TFP seems to be in favor of SWGs, and that the risk of corrosion is low. Many seemingly informed sites...
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    General solar info

    Is there a post here with the info needed by someone shopping for solar panels (professional install, not DIY)? I've been shopping/interviewing for a while and it's pretty discouraging how much false info installers provide. Thanks, Matt
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    SLAM valve settings

    Hi all, I haven't seen much other pool equipment, but I'd guess mine is typical in that you can direct water coming to the filter/pump through either the main drains or skimmer (to various degrees), and water returning to the pool can run out the wall jets or to the positive pressure vacuum...
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    Total Alkalinity and pH

    I read recently, on another forum citing this one, that it is generally OK to let TA levels fall below those recommended if that's what is needed to keep pH down. I haven't been able to find those threads so it would be great if someone could point me to them. It has been tough to keep the TA...
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    Cal Hypo Tablets

    Linked article: Avoid Over-stabilization I recently found this article by accident and was surprised not to see it referenced in this forum, since it preaches a similar message. There are a number of posts here about cal hypo tablets, but I didn't see any shared experiences regarding how much...
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    Adding sodium bicarbonate

    Hi, I've had my pool about 6 months now, and today the TA measured 40 ppm (it had been around 60-70 previously). To be conservative and not overshoot, I figured I'd bring it up to 70 ppm, but that's still 7 lb of sodium bicarbonate according to the container. What is the best way to add it...
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    Reason for closing?

    When I was growing up, my dad's method for "closing" the pool was to cover it in the fall, ignore it for the winter and allow it to get completely green, then fix it in the spring. I guess it worked OK in that the pool survived and it was fine during the summer. Our new pool was completed as...
  11. M

    Is regular acid demand normal?

    Hi, I'm a new pool owner and I've noticed that my pool is at around pH=8 each weekend when I test it. It's about 15kG, so I add about 1.5Q of acid and it's down to 7.4-7.6 the next day. But the following weekend it's back up to 8 or higher. I just wondered if it's normal to need to add acid...