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  1. R

    Restarting this year...turned bad again

    Hello again everyone. Ok so I opened my pool and the pump went out. All I had was a .75hp pump to use. Cleared the green up perfectly and no algae left after scrubbing. Crystal clear for a week. I vacuumed a few days ago and put in a brand new cartridge for my filter and now the pool water will...
  2. R

    First opening prob

    Just took the cover off and vacuumed but the water is cloudy. I can still see the bottom but cloudy. We are letting out pump and filter running all night tonight and hopefully then i can work the chemistry. Any idea besides Taylor kit which i have.
  3. R

    Anything im missing for closing pool

    Hello all.. Going to be getting the pool prepared for Indiana winter in the next few weeks. I know that I have to balance the chemicals and slam before closing it up. Also I have read the thread for closing on here but wasnt area specific. Here is where i need advice. 1. I've been told of...
  4. R

    Pool Heater Advice

    Hello all My family has been asking repeatedly for a pool heater. Being in Indiana we only have a limited swim season. I need some advice. We just bought a solar cover last mth and our pool temp is generally between 75 and 80 degrees. We have direct sunlight on our pool all day with zero shade...
  5. R

    Chemicals and solar cover with fountain

    Hello all... A few questions if i may. I've been using the fountain that was suggested for lowering TA since it was 180. That has lowered but now the PH is 8.2. During this time i have installed my solar cover and reel and have had it on for a few days minus the 2 to 3 hours of swimtime after...
  6. R

    Stain remover help

    Hello all.. Too any of you who helped me with the cleaning and slamming of my pool you will remember I purchased my home with the assumed truth that it had been left uncovered for a few years and it was closer to a decade when truth was finally told...I had a disaster! 13 trash barrels and 6...
  7. R

    Solar Covers and pool ladders

    Hello all... I just ordered a solar cover and a reel. I ordered the cover 20x40 so I had room to mess up with the cutting part. My question is what to do about the deep end pool ladder? Do you just cut the cover around it? Also the skimmer boxes? Thanks as always.
  8. R

    Normal Chlorine Levels?

    Hello After many months of cleaning up an uncovered pool for years it is finally clear and ready for us! I cannot seem to get a unanimous answer on proper chlorine levels. Please anyone! Here have been the answers so far... 1. Free chlorine between 1 and 3ppm. Anything above 5 will cause skin...
  9. R

    I need real clarification on reading CYA level.

    Ok I am really confused on how to accurately read CYA. I keep hearing "until black dot disappears". 1. Does this mean until you can still see where the dot outline is but its faded and no longer black?.....or 2. Does this mean until you see nothing at the bottom like there never was a dot...
  10. R

    Cartridge pressure

    So my water is clear after 2 months and my chlorine is only losing about 2 to 3ppm a day. I missed some algae around the pool light and edge of stairs that i couldn't see til now. Do i need to continue to slam? Chlorine levels are steady around 3ppm but my pressure gauge on my brand new Hayward...
  11. R

    Possible black algae?

    Anyone who followed my issues with clearing up my pool knows that was a terrible problem that I am heading into home base with it now...and as soon as i got water clarity i have dark spots on the walls and floor. Some on the walls are smooth like plaster and some if i rub with a magic eraser it...
  12. R

    PH doesnt seem to want to lower

    Im just started slam process number 2 because i guess i wasnt readying CYA correctly so I'm starting again. Im using liquid muratic acid to lower ph to 7.0 but it doesnt seem to want to budge. Added 60 oz and brought it to 7.2 but this morning its back up to 7.4. Any ideas..not enough acid? FC...
  13. R

    Above pool plumbing is garbage

    Ok so I'm in the middle of my slam process and having air leaks like crazy which is forcing water up the skimmers when i turn the pump off and cant backwash now. Im thinking replacing all this above ground plumbing. Any ideas? Ill post a pic of current plumbing. Note** Current plumbing has no...
  14. R

    First time pool owner

    First of all i am a first time pool owner and inherited a pool not used for 4+ straight answer. Took out 6 trash barrels full of hundreds of tadpoles and pine needles and mud. I am now picking up nothing with the leaf vacuum so felt comfortable shocking the pool. Had zero free...