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  1. G

    Pool light out

    My pool light is not working. Best to call electrician or pool repair to fix it? Doubt this one is in my wheelhouse...
  2. G

    Pool Temp sensor

    After cleaning the SWG in diluted chlorine water x 30min, I noticed the pool temp reading is way off. I also shut off the control panel breakers while doing this. It was reading ~90 deg before and now it reads 58deg. How important is this reading and is it something I can diagnose/fix? Greg
  3. G

    Is this an important part of filter?

    As I was cleaning my filters, I noticed this part is broken. Does it need to be replaced? Will it affect the function of the pool if it is damaged?
  4. G

    Conflicting advice on draining pool

    A bunch of tiles popped off so I hired someone to replace that section. The tile section is above the "deep" end (7'). He said it would be easier to drain the pool so we don't have to work upside down to fix the tiles. I was going to drain the pool anyway this winter bc water was excessively...
  5. G

    Time for new salt cell?

    Cell is reading salt level at 2700 but measured level is 3600. This is triggering “check system” light. Tried to reset but it persists. I tried to save money by buying cheaper cell 2 years ago. Maybe not a good idea.
  6. G

    Pool tile repair

    I found some good threads on how to fix pool tiles that are popping off. But, if they've been off for a year or so, is it possible to have structural damage to the pool? How would I assess? It is just 2 tiles. I had a pool tile company give a repair estimate...wait for it...$3500! Any tips...
  7. G

    High chlorine

    My Cl- keeps going up despite decreasing chlorinator from 45% to 35%. Most recent readings: FC 16.5, ph 7.8, TA 70, CYA 70, salt 4000 One month ago: FC 9.5, pH 8, TA 70, CYA 40, Salt 3800 I added conditioner and turned down chlorinator. Salt and Cl both increasing. Anything I can do ? Does...
  8. G

    CYA and Chlorine levels

    My CYA was low ~10 days ago (40ppm) so I added 1G liquid conditioner. My Cl- was 9.5 at that time. Now CYA is 50 and Cl- is 12. My understanding is target CYA is 70 for SWG pool. If I add more conditioner (Pool calculator recommends 111oz) to get up to 70, will my Cl- continue to rise? Rest...
  9. G

    NaCl discrepancy (SWG in Phoenix)

    My salt cell meter reads 3100 (Hayward T15) but when I actually measure, I get 3800. What may cause this discrepancy and does it matter? Thx, Greg
  10. G

    Scale on tile (SWG in Phoenix)

    I recently took on the responsibility of taking care of my pool. I have a 16000 SWG pool in Phoenix. There's a moderate amount of scale where the fountains come into the pool. My first set of calculations showed: Fr Cl- 9.5 pH 8.0 TA 70 CH 575 CYA 33 NaCl 3800 SI 1.6 A program that I used...