Search results

  1. alanpaul

    The light odor of chlorine surprised me

    - July 4 - I chlorinated this morning, to FC of about 6.8. My CYA is in the 50-60 range. The pool is very clear. Later, following use, vacuuming, and brushing (we do have a few rough patches that tend to acquire a little algae) and clouding up the pool with the deteriorating paint, I...
  2. alanpaul

    Why have we come to Trouble Free Pool?

    Why have we come to Trouble Free Pool? Because we are searching; we each need to choose what source we will be using to maintain our pools. And there are several choices. Pool Stores give you numbers and test results for free, and you get what you pay for. Each tech there will do things...
  3. alanpaul

    In the Olden Days... was a little over 40 years ago, and I was a lifeguard at community pools and apartment complexes in my hometown during my college summers. Some of the pools were large, some were immense (acres of water), and a round one even had tile-line arcing jets that met at a central fountain atop...
  4. alanpaul

    Strange Stain, and another Stain.

    Looking for suggestions. As our painted pool surface degrades (the previous homeowner painted it about 8 or more years ago) there are a few types of stains appearing. Now it's possible, based on the condition of the rest of the house, that some ancient stains were previously painted over, and...
  5. alanpaul

    Installed a new filter today

    Yes, we installed a Pentair Clean & Clear (Raised Port) 150 - 200 sq ft cartridge filter today. Note: This filter body fits 2 different (same-sized) cartridges, approx 10" X 31", one is 150 sq. ft., the other is 200 sq. ft. Saturday morning we added chemicals, added water, and ran the old...
  6. alanpaul

    Chemistry & Equipment Issues.

    Thanks for your input, folks. Had an algae farm for a while, as the SWG has failed and the filter broke (pumping DE back into the pool). In preparation for installing the new cartridge filter in a week or so, we've vacuumed to waste a lot, and we're doing the Shock Process. Pool is still a bit...
  7. alanpaul

    Introduction; New equipment and Chemistry challenges

    Hey all, alanpaul here in Wellington, FL. I'll start with a big Thank You. We had a trouble-free pool, but this winter, our 25-year-old DE filter bit the dust. Well, not really. The dust is all over the bottom of the pool. So, we've been vacuuming to waste, and replacing water. Again and...