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  1. T

    Need new pump filter, 3 differing opinions...

    My 10+ year old pump filter just went bad and I'm looking to have it replaced and I've had 3 differing opinions for quotes and wanted to see if anyone here had thoughts on what makes more sense. I basically only know what I've learned from here and have even tried to search for what others have...
  2. T

    Is this green algae?

    I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but the picture below is what I recently saw in my return valve accessory. Green algae? If it is, is the treatment the same as yellow algae. Thanks
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    Crazy amounts of lost FC...?

    I SLAM'd my pool last night, my CYA is 30ppm so I brought it up to 16ppm. This morning it had dropped to 14ppm so I knew I had some sort of issue so I added additional liquid chlorine to bring it back up to 17ppm. When I got home 12 hours later, my pool is at 1ppm of FC. I thought I did...
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    Orange/Brown spots on plaster

    I've attached some photos of spots that I'm getting in my pool. There was 1 set of these when I first bought the house a year ago. I do know the original owner had used a pool service and not chlorine pucks. After I moved in, not knowing anything I listened to my brother and just did the pucks...
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    Proper water circulation (pool w/attached spa)

    I've included a picture that'll hopefully answer questions you may have. My attached spa is the same level as the pool and normally just flowed into the pool with bubbles. What I've noticed as I've switch to the TFPC method, my chlorine and MA additions weren't circulating which has given me...
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    Total N00b

    Just wanted to swing by and say hello. I'm not to TFP, but have been reading this site for a bit. Thanks for all the information and advice between mods and other pool owners. Can't wait to get this right for myself :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
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    Chemical balance advice for recently filled pool

    I have a 14,000 gallon pool with plaster walls and a built in hot tub that flows into the pool when the pump runs. I recently had to re-fill almost 13,000 gallons of fresh water due to an unfortunate accident with the reverse osmosis company that's paying for my re-fill fees. The reason why I...