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  1. G

    Dead Sea salts in hot tub

    Does anyone use these in their hot tub? any opinions on whether this is a good idea?
  2. G

    SWG spa output question

    I have recently ordered a new 350 gallon spa and would like to add a Swg to it. The advice given for pool Swg is "bigger is better" of which I agree. I'm looking at a Chlormaker DO which produces a maximum 30 grams/day of Chlorine vs a Megachlor which produces a maximum of 110 grams per day...
  3. G

    FPH Pool Heater

    Does anyone know a good HVAC company around Charlotte NC that could complete the install of a Hotspot Energy FPH heat exchanger for my pool? The FPH is plumbed already, just need to do the electrical and evacuate and recharge the refrigerant.
  4. G

    Water Balance prior to adding Borates

    Hey guys! Wanting to add borates to pool, have used Muratic acid to pull down TA. From my newly purchased TF100 test kit, here are my latest test results: FC 7.0 CC 0.5 pH 7.0 TA 80 CH 50 CYA 50 SALT 4200 TEMP 75F Salt reading is from the Circupool RJ 60 swg. It was registering about 37-3800...
  5. G

    Expansion Joint vs. Control joint between cantilever coping and pool deck

    Is it ok to use a sawn in control joint between cantilever concrete coping and the rest of the pool deck instead of an expansion joint? Thanks! Tim