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  1. B

    SWG filter always full of debris

    Since last season, I've had debris issue on the Autopilot SWG filter. At the season end, I found a crack on top of manifold when I opened it. I purchased a new one (from Amazon Pentair e-store) and replaced it, hoping this season the problem could be resolved. Unfortunately, the debris issue is...
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    where can I get the cheapest calcium chloride?

    I want to bring up the CH level. Can I use calcium chloride from the big box store? A lot of them are for Ice melting. Can I use them? or which brand of product I better use? thank you.
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    Does Calcium Hardness matter for Vinyl liner?

    I have an impression that CH is not important at all for Vinyl Liner. I just don't know if this is a valid statement. My pool has very low CH, and the local pool shop warned me to bring up the CH. I just want to make sure which is correct. thank you.
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    Is enzyme product worthy of using?

    I do have some sunscreen issue after kids played. I checked online. people suggest use some Enzyme product to dissolve the organic product. Do you think this is useful? Sounds like it can help clean the scum on the perimeter of the pool as well. Is that true? if so, any suggested product or...
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    UV Sunblock Cream SPF50 in pool

    After kids playing water with UV sunblock cream on, part of the water becomes white, and some white stuff floating on the surface as well. Is this normal? what should I do to get rid of it? should we avoid using sunblock cream when playing in the pool? thank you.
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    SLAM 4th day. not successful

    This is the 4th day of SLAM. From yesterday night to today, no change in water color. still green. CYA is almost 30. FC barely changed 12.5 to 12. CC is unchanged 0.5. Plus there are some milky stuff on the surface of the water, please see the picture I attached. Can you please let me...
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    SLAM 2nd day report

    This is the 2nd day of SLAM. CYA < 30ppm (I think it is about 20ppm). FC dropped from 12ppm yesterday night to 8ppm early in the morning. Kept pump running in medium speed overnight on "recirculation". Water color is still light green with a little bit foam on the surface. What I am gonna...
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    Anything wrong with my filter, or this is normal?

    I opened the pool for 1 1/2 days, and have been SLAMing it. The water turns from dark green to light green now, with some foam on the surface. Now my question is that I do have to do backwash almost every 3 hours (keeping the pump run at highest RPM.) In other words, every 3 hours, the PSI...
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    foam on the pool surface

    I opened the pool yesterday morning and have been doing SLAM for almost 1 1/2 days. However there are a lot of disgusting foam on the pool surface. btw, the water color is still a little bit light green. Can you please let me know why there are foam and how to get rid of them? (seems like the...
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    tiny air bubbles coming out of the return lines

    I opened the pool in the morning. Everything went smoothly, except for tiny air bubbles coming out of the return lines. and as long as I opened the filter top valve (twist the pressure meter) there are more or less air released from it. Btw, so far I don't notice any significant leaking yet and...
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    First time PH test of the season.

    I tried to open my pool today. As people suggest, I tried to use my Taylor K-2006 to do chemical test. However the water is light yellow/light green (full of algea I think). It makes my PH test look like pretty low (acid). btw, my Taylor K-2006 is two-year old, however I always store it in my...
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    What's the procedure to follow to open a salt pool?

    I am a first time salt pool owner, I used to have a regular pool. I just wonder if there is any difference to open a salt pool. Do I still need to shock it? Should I switch on the salt chlorinator before I adjust all the chemical level or after? thank you very much.
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    Taylor testing result and local pool-store testing result differ a lot

    hi guys, Since last season, I started testing my pool using Taylor. However currently right before I try to close my pool, I found out the result from Taylor kit differs a lot with what the pool-store tested. (It used to match pretty good.) The reagent is R-0004 for PH testing. (The reagent...
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    Can I use Gizzmo the following way?

    hi, What I did this year for closing the inground pool was a little bit different than last year. Instead of screw the gizzmo in the skimmer pipe, I used the rubber plug to cap all the skimmer pipes from inside the skimmer after blowing out all the water inside the skimmer lines. Then simply...
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    Pool Closing question: Main Drain

    hi guys, I tried to follow the instruction in this forum to close the pool, everything has been working well so far. Just one question about the main drain blow out. I attached air compressor hose on the drain of the pump, and switched the multi-valve port to receip. (I already backwash and...
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    How to detect if a gizzmo cracked or not?

    I want to close my pool in couple of weeks, but what's the safest way to detect if a gizzmo cracked or not? or any other backup solution besides a gizzmo? thank you.
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    Any suggestion which online dealer will provide cheapest loop loc replacement cover?

    hi, The LoopLoc super mesh pool cover is > 15 years old and needs to be replaced. I do have the original order# and drawing from Loop Loc. I found out that different dealers will provide various prices. Any suggestions on which online dealer usually provides best price? (btw, I just need a...
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    need to buy a new pool cover

    hi, The original pool cover was diagnosed as UV deteriorated by LoopLoc and need to be replaced. Can anyone tell me a best/cheapest place to buy cover? I don't know if I really need to buy looploc, which is more expensive than other brands. Is there any big difference between looploc and...
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    The farthest skimmer & return works not as good as the closest ones

    I have 3 skimmers and 3 returns. The motor is a 1.65HP various speed and placed on one side, 10 feet away from the pool. When I run it @highest speed, it is pretty obvious that the closest skimmer and return work best, and the farthest works worst. When I run @lower speed, obvious there is even...
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    Various speed pump motor issue

    I replaced the old single speed motor with a various speed motor. Now I noticed an issue. The way I set it up has been 3140RPM for 2 hrs, followed by 2100RPM for 4hrs, followed by 1300RPM for 6hrs. I think the setup can definitely make the whole pool of water circulate at least once per day...
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    What is the best place to buy Taylor K2006 reagent refills?

    It has been the 1st year that I use Taylor K-2006 to test my pool myself. (Actually 1st year to own a pool.) I wonder what would be the best place to buy some refill. What I do need is the following. 1. CYA test. I think I do need a lot of it. The original supply can barely test 10 times or...
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    CYA level decreases without too much water replacement

    I was keep my pump off for almost a week because I tried to figure out where the slow leakage is. So within the week, I kind of replace 2-3 inches of water. (The pool averagely is about 5 feet deep). My CYA level was 37 one week ago, and today it is 22. (FC is almost 0 and CC is 1. Ph & TA are...
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    What is the best and cheapeast calcium chloride (dihydrate) to buy to increase CH?

    hi, My CH is only 40, I need to increase it. Several questions. 1. My pool is a Vinyl pool, does it need CH to be above 200? If not, will anything bad happen? 2. Where can I buy the cheapest material? (There was an old 2012 post for a link to homedepot, but it is not valid any more.) 3. What's...
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    Do you know what cause it? Do I need to take it seriously?

    hi, I bought the house with a pool last year. All what I know is that the pool has been in place for more than 10 years. Around the pool, the pavers (bricks) got sink down a little bit at some areas. I posted several pictures to show them. It is definitely not getting worse from what I saw last...
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    Help! Liner issue.

    Since the opening of the pool this season, the upper stripe of the liner drops. (I am not quite sure how it is called.) Please take a look at the pictures I uploaded. Is this a big issue? Can I fix it myself? if I can, what type of material (glue) do I need, or I need to replace the whole...
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    Pentair Chlorinator 320 w/ high-flo kit doesn't work

    My pool size is about 30K to 32K gallon. I use a pentair 320 inline chlorinator (it is definitely not a new one but I don't know the age of it.) The chlorine level has been always low and my local pool professional told me it has flaw design, which makes it not working properly. I searched...
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    Adding Borax makes DE filter clogged.

    hi, This year I am trying to add in Borax to increase the borate level of the pool. I choose a slow way of doing it, adding several box of borax per day and use muriatic acid to balance any PH change. I tried different ways of adding in Borax. Based on the pool calculator, pour in correct...