Blue Devil CYA test


Bronze Supporter
Jul 2, 2023
Lake Worth/FL
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
I was looking for an alternative to the Taylor CYA test, and ordered the blue Devil test. So far, I found this to be worse than the Taylor test. You need to use a lot of reagent for each test, the scale is not very informative, and I always seem to get a reading of 30 or 40, knowing I have more CYA in my water than that.

Anyone else have any experiences with this test?



I like the Blue Devil (Sliding Dot) kit better than the ones that are in my TF-100 and now the TF-Pro Salt.

That said, they are all very subjective.. More like a shotgun, where close is close enough..

I think the key is to find the one that works best for you, and try to run the test the same way each time.


Jim R.
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I like the Blue Devil (Sliding Dot) kit better than the ones that are in my TF-100 and now the TF-Pro Salt.

That said, they are all very subjective.. More like a shotgun, where close is close enough..

I think the key is to find the one that works best for you, and try to run the test the same way each time.


Jim R.
Thanks for the reply, I think the Taylor test works best for me and is much more reliable. The blue Devil test always seems to read low in the 40 range no matter what I put in and the scale seems much more difficult to interpret as I’m aiming for the CYA 70 level.

I read the other attached previous discussions on this and get a sense of where to go.

Thanks again,

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The 2 Reagents aren't compatible if the Taylor 4088 "moveable dot" test Tube is used with the Blue Devil Reagent.

I ran some comparison tests with both reagents a few years ago. The results are in these threads :

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