New pool going in!

What is a well point and what is the purpose? Maybe my unfamiliarity suggests there probably not installed.
A well dug near the pool that you place a pump in to move ground water away from the pool. Generally they are a need in an area with high ground water. Not sure if this applies to your location. Here’s some info about them.
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Equipment is in. Trench inspection yesterday, filled and rough graded today. Coping and tile go in tomorrow and electric next week.

We had to get creative since I wanted the equipment mounted out of site and next to the house and the side that worked best had an egress window we had to work/design around. I think they did a pretty good job.

Oh my the dirt and mess. I think I under appreciated the amount of landscape restoration that would be required. :suspect:

I think I under appreciated the amount of landscape restoration that would be required. :suspect:
My 1st build I knew the pool area was busy with sprinkler lines and they whacked them all as expected.

For build 2 there was only one zone running dead through the middle of the pool area if the sprinklers were installed looking to minimize pipe. There was 9 cut ends in the hole. 🤬. I started patching them and figuring out which half belonged to the other and too many heads were inaccessible under the mountain behind the pool. I just gave up and rented a trencher and stared over.

I forget now how many yards of topsoil I got (30?) and i had to be frugal with it.


Then $700 in seed and fertilizer.
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So wanted to query the group for feedback on two items...

1) What is a reasonably priced door alarm that I can install on our backdoor leading to the pool so that I can pass final inspection?

2) I would like to seal the bluestone coping, it's raining today and it looks so much nicer wet, sort of looks like concrete when dry. Can anyone recommend a penetrating sealer for stone walkways that won't cause the surface to be slick esp when wet?
I spent the extra money (at the time) on This one. Supposedly the insepctors would look for the UL # on the unit itself and only a select few have it, of the ones which are code approved. When the guy came he just wanted to hear that it worked from outside and never looked at it.
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No. The door alarm is an obnoxious alarm that doesn't stop until you silence it.

I had to press the button on it to be allowed through, and had too keep pressing it every 10 or so seconds if the door stayed open.
What are my pool cover options when there's no concrete deck surrounding the pool? I am eventually going to install a patio on one side but the 3 other sides will be surrounded by grass. My pool coping is only 12" wide and all of the covers with anchors that I've seen have mounting points that are +/-24" outside of the pool.

My pool build comes with a cover I just don't recall what brand/type but I think it's a mesh cover.
They have 2ft (?) anchors for dirt/grass.

We paid 10% more for grey and LOVE it. I came to hate the 'green trampoline' as I called it, or sometimes 'the tennis court'

I'd also like blue because it would look like water out of the corner of my eye.

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Anchors in the grass? Hmmm I guess I'll need to talk to my pool company about delaying the installation until the patio goes in.

Yea I don't think green will be our color of choice. Black or gray maybe? That cover matched your deck nicely.
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Okay, it's been a bit since the last update, we've been getting lots of rain up until recently. The good news is temps have really warmed up.

The PB was eventually able to complete the rough grading and have run the electrical so all of the equipment and lights have power. Bonding inspection done.

I have been picking away at fixing up the landscaping. I will finish that off when the sod goes in.

Today is plaster prep day. Plaster is scheduled for April 10th, which should be followed by final building/electrical inspections.

Fencing is scheduled to be installed next week.

I can't wait until I can put some sod down.Compress_20240315_105258_8736.jpg
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What was your price on microglass if you don't mind me asking?
My PB just started offering it and if I recall correctly it was only $475. That is worth it alone to me to not have to brush my plaster daily or really have to follow the other 30 day start up procedures.

Jon said I'll want to reapply it around yrs 10 or 12 when I will want to drain the pool and clean the plaster anyway.
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