Potential structural wall problem? What's going on here?


Gold Supporter
Aug 27, 2021
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-30 Plus
While working on the back side of my pool today, I noticed that one area of the wall is bulging out making a wave pattern in the plastic channel. How concerned about this should I be? I see no other sections that look this way (although half the pool has backfill which covers up to this level anyway so it's hard to say for sure). The wall is level within 1/8th of an inch all around, nothing is sinking as far as I can tell.

Here are some pictures. It's hard to really see in the pictures, I think, but the wall seems to be bulged out as much as a quarter inch a couple inches above the channel, if you look straight down the wall you can't see the channel wall, just the base. If that makes sense. Is this wall failing?

Putting a pic of your pool on this thread ...

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In that picture, the area of the wall in question is the left-most visible section, immediately to the left of the section the ladder is in.
There could be a high spot in the ground/foundation that is forcing the wall up and bulging out. Honestly, in my opinion, it is structurally sound and poses no real risk of failure. I would leave it alone, go about enjoying the pool with family and friends. They will never see it. It's usually the pool boy/girl it will bother the most, especially a perfectionist. I really can't tell anyway.
There could be a high spot in the ground/foundation that is forcing the wall up and bulging out. Honestly, in my opinion, it is structurally sound and poses no real risk of failure. I would leave it alone, go about enjoying the pool with family and friends. They will never see it. It's usually the pool boy/girl it will bother the most, especially a perfectionist. I really can't tell anyway.
That sounds like a good plan to me. I will check it again when opening in the spring to see if it has gotten worse, and if not, I'll quit worrying. Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it.
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