Recent content by Tnutt

  1. T

    Need help with flow

    Thanks. We’ll give that a try and let you know how it goes. As for the test results, here are the most recent from this week: FC: 9.5 (we are slamming right now) pH: 7.5 TA: 90 CH: 150 (ordered some calcium chloride to bring this up) CYA: 30
  2. T

    Need help with flow

    I think there might be junk stuck in the suction lines for my pool. The cover for the main drain has been missing since we bought the place last year. Once we got the pump running we kept finding tile pieces in the pump screen / prefilter. Once we could see the bottom of the pool there were more...
  3. T

    Can I add chlorine and acid?

    Last tests were CYA 38 FC 12 CC .5 Its still super cloudy and not seeing a lot of change day to day. We are keeping the chlorine around 10 most of the time and brushing every day. I don’t think we are getting the best suction from the filter. In fact, I think only one of the skimmers is...
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  5. T

    Can I add chlorine and acid?

    Progress!! Started like this: Now looks like this: My tests last night where pH 7.5 TA 110 FC 0 CYA 0 I added chlorine and retested with FC 13.5 Today I retested and FC is 1. So I added more chlorine and some stabilizer. I can can see the second step in the pool now! Great to see some...
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  8. T

    Concern about adding stabilizer

    Will doing it this way allow me to backwash since none of the granules will end up in the filter? I hadn’t considered draining it given what I’ve see posted about SLAM. Should I?
  9. T

    Concern about adding stabilizer

    My pool is super nasty green right now. I got the pH where is needs to be and tested for ammonia. We are ready to add stabilizer. However, it says we cannot backwash for 48 hours after adding the stabilizer and that we need to run the pump during that time to circulate the water. With how gunky...
  10. T

    Changing my gross swamp into a real pool

    Update - I spent some time today adjusting the pH. Then added enough chlorine to get me to 10. I rested after a half hour and it was at 13.5, so no ammonia. Yay! I’m going to add the stabilizer for CYA tomorrow and hope to start SLAMing later this week. FC 13.5 pH 7.5 TA 110 CYA 0
  11. T

    Did I estimate my pool size wrong?

    Today, I started adding chemicals to my pool for the first time and everything I did was a grater than expected result. For example: pH was 8.2, I dosed to be 7.0 and it came out 6.8. I corrected to be 7.2 and it came out 7.5. FC was 0, I dosed to be 10 and it came out 13.5. My pool is a...
  12. T

    Can I add chlorine and acid?

    I added 61oz of washing soda. Will post results again shortly
  13. T

    Can I add chlorine and acid?

    Just retested. pH 6.8 and TA 70. You were right. I went too far. So now looking at pool math again I should adjust back using a target of 7.2, right? Looks like I need to add 63oz of washing soda. I’ll follow those steps for the ammonia. Thanks!
  14. T

    Can I add chlorine and acid?

    Pool is a swamp. Green and nasty. Can’t see down more than a few inches. Definitely want to SLAM. Cya was likely never added but I can’t say for sure. I don’t have a test for ammonia I my kit. Should I buy something more? I use pool math with 130 TA, 8.2 pH and a target pH of 7.0. I thought I...
  15. T

    Can I add chlorine and acid?

    FC: 0 CYA: 0 TA: 130 pH: 8.2+ I keep reading that you can’t shock the pool until your pH is right. Mine is clearly not right yet. Added dry acid yesterday with no effect. Adding 106oz of liquid Baume (31.45%) today hoping that we see a change. My question is should I also add chlorine? I...