Recent content by pawncntrl

  1. P

    I am starting the conversion from Baqua to BBB....... HELP!!

    Thanks for all the support. My test kit arrived yesterday. I get to check all the levels. On the third day of the conversion it was sparkling clean! I was shocked at the piles of goo on the bottom. I have spent a couple more days scrubbing and cleaning. It looks better than it ever has! I will...
  2. P

    I am starting the conversion from Baqua to BBB....... HELP!!

    I just vac'ed the pool and I can see the bottom more clearly than I ever thought I would after only one day! I got in and scrubbed the walls and ladder when the chlorine was low. I just added another 4 gat of 6% bleach...... now it is just a waiting game. I wish there was a way to speed up the...
  3. P

    I am starting the conversion from Baqua to BBB....... HELP!!

    Thanks.... I thought it was odd that if there was something that worked that it wasn't described here. I am about 24 hours and 40 gallons of bleach in and I can see the bottom of the pool again! But I ma having trouble getting all of the goo out. I am about to get in and scrub the walls (yuck)...
  4. P

    I am starting the conversion from Baqua to BBB....... HELP!!

    I went to the pool atore to have my water tested and they asked what I was doing. When i told them I was switching to chlorine they said instead of pouring in bleach to nuetralize the baqua..... they had a product that would have done it WITHOUT having to replace the sand or dealing with the...
  5. P

    I am starting the conversion from Baqua to BBB....... HELP!!

    First I have a 27' roung ABP pool that is 54" high... Approx 18500 gallons. I started with: PH 7.3 Baquacil 29ppm TA 93 Calcium 180 Baqua Oxidizer 3 Dissolved Solids 0 Sat Index -.35 The Pool temp is nearly 90. I Put 4.5...