Recent content by JimB

  1. J

    Consistantly high pH

    Today's test FC 1.5 (was busy yesterday and forgot to check it); CC 0; pH 8; TA 70; CYA 40; temp 85. The water is crystal clear. Two nights ago we did got about 1 1/2 inches rain. I don't have a rain gauge but a guess from my pool level Friday evening to Saturday morning. JamesW & Zadd, I...
  2. J

    Consistantly high pH

    Woodyp, that does make sense. The rains we had were frog stranglers. With the exception of the last 7-8 days with no rain. The pH regent is almost brand new. Bought it late last year direct from Taylor. And no the bottle is not stained red. During the winter the test kit is stored in the...
  3. J

    Consistantly high pH

    Since I opened the pool on May 27th it's been a constant battle to get my pH to stay in range. I go by the poolcalculator goals. So far this year I've added 13 cups of muratic acid. The pool has remained nice and clear all year and I've averaged 1 1/2 qts of bleach daily. (low reading today was...
  4. J

    Using bleach for other water purfication purposes

    I wasn't sure where to post this, so if it would be better somewhere else in the forum let me know. Our city's water treatment plant has been have some issues going on seven days know. We've been under a boil alert since last Friday evening. I won't go into details of what's been reported as...
  5. J

    Test results ?

    First, today's readings--pH 7.8; FC 2; CC 0; T/A 90; CYA 40; temp 82 I keep my FC at 5 so will add 96oz of 6%. No problems there. My pH rose from 7.5 to 7.8 overnight 2 days ago. I like to keep it 7.3 to 7.5. My T/A has been consistant at 90 but I've been thinking of raising to 100-110...
  6. J

    Worst thing ever in your pool?

    Nothing as bad as most of the above. But this year, I'm removing dead baby birds from the solar cover almost every day. My son thinks it may be due to a red-tailed hawk that has taken up residence in the neighborhood.
  7. J

    sodium hypochlorite vs sodium hydroxide

    Could be...hope not I've tested the FC and plugged the number into the pool calculator using 5.25% as my number. Added the suggested amount and then tested again an hour later, my new FC was .5ppm within my goal. I did this three days in a row. Regardless, I don't think I'll buy bleach...
  8. J

    sodium hypochlorite vs sodium hydroxide

    Well, I've been used the cheapest K-mart bleach for two days now. Even though the label doesn't list the %, if it's not 6% it's darn close to it. I will buy it again without any second thoughts.
  9. J

    sodium hypochlorite vs sodium hydroxide

    This is Crystal branded. Sold in the K-mart dollar section. I haven't had time to run an 'eyeball' test to try to estimate the %. I may try this evening after the sun goes down to eliminate chorine loss due to sunlight.
  10. J

    Comparing Chlorine Costs

    Looks it may be. Haven't tried it yet. Thank you for posting.
  11. J

    sodium hypochlorite vs sodium hydroxide

    Three years ago, all I could find around here was 5.25% in gal. bottles. Two years ago, I noticed the bottles were 96oz. and at the same price of the old gal. bottles. I was p.o.ed. They were ripping us off. When I read the new labels and saw 6%, I cooled off a bit. As I tried to say in the...
  12. J

    sodium hypochlorite vs sodium hydroxide

    Thanks, Jason. Love you guys :cheers:
  13. J

    sodium hypochlorite vs sodium hydroxide

    Well, I may have bought the wrong thing. K-mart is selling 96oz bottles bleach for $1.00. That's about the best price I have seen for a while. So I went to check it out. The first thing I noticed is that the label doesn't give the percentage of sodium hypochlorite. In the past, I stay from...
  14. J

    Comparing Chlorine Costs

    It appears that the spreadsheet is gone. Does anyone else have it and can post it here or email it to me.
  15. J

    Not a great opening day.

    That's kind of what I was thinking. I used to have a photobucket account. If I can find it or start another one...sorry to be a bit slow here, it's getting there a help section here that says how to do post a picture. Another quick ? Does troublefreepool have an android app? I'd...