Recent content by Daveacksh

  1. D

    Can anyone pinpoint what is causing this noise?

    I'm hoping it is a transient issue. I'm not keen on disconnecting my pump for a week while it is repaired.
  2. D

    Can anyone pinpoint what is causing this noise?

    It is the pump that came with my pool. As far as I know it was new. I found the company who makes it in China so I think my pool store buys from them. LX Swimming Pool Pump 56SWP There is no leak. The first time it was making that noise, I cleaned around the lid O-ring. There was a blade...
  3. D

    Can anyone pinpoint what is causing this noise?

    I've attached a link to a Youtube video. The first 10 seconds is what I consider my pump sounding relatively normal (even though there is a bit of a high pitched noise). The second 10 seconds is where it is sounding extra annoying. It is only my second season using this pump. Here is a...
  4. D

    Alkalinity Calculations

    OK so it isn't simply ppm of CaCO3, it is ppm of "carbonate-as-a-base" as it were, and the carbonate ion is dibasic. Thank you very much for the clarification.
  5. D

    Alkalinity Calculations

    THANK YOU! I still don't get why it should matter that the carbonate ion has a -2 charge. In your calculation, you convert mol/L of sodium bicarbonate into mg/L of calcium carbonate by using the ratio of their molar masses (which I understand). Why divide by 2?
  6. D

    Alkalinity Calculations

    Hi, Could someone please explain (by showing me the math) how this is actually calculated. Ex. If my pool (41000L) has a TA of 104ppm and I want to increase it to 150ppm, the calculators say I need 3.3Kg of Sodium bicarbonate. HOW IS THIS CALCULATED? Thank you. OR why 680g/37854L pool will...
  7. D

    CYA/FC ratio?

    That's the type of material I'm looking for! Thanks guys!
  8. D

    CYA/FC ratio?

    Ok thank you! All of these explain things in a way that is finally satisfying. Basically, high levels of CYA/trichlor can decrease HOCl concentration (which is not specifically tested for), so with elevated CYA/trichlor in your pool, you may not have adequate HOCl. Thanks again! Feel free...
  9. D

    CYA/FC ratio?

    Hi everyone. Can someone provide a CHEMICAL explanation for why increased CYA levels require MORE free chlorine that the recommended 1-3ppm? It doesn't make sense to me why chlorine/hypochlorite would stop working in the presence of elevated CYA. I've watched the videos, read all the...