Recent content by CopperGirl

  1. C

    Marble pavers - sand or no sand?

    Been there done that with Polymeric sand and don't ever care to go there again. Hard rain washes it's a pain (and a mess) to re-do and at least in S. FL it develops mold and weeds come through. This was pavers over sand that it was used on.
  2. C

    New to TFP but not new to pools - numbers are off

    Ok so SLAM levels are the same for LC and SWG? Oops saw the answer above but can't delete comment. Is there a way to do that?
  3. C

    New to TFP but not new to pools - numbers are off

    Yes!! I keep the chart with my testing kit. SLAM targets are the same for LC and SWG?
  4. CYA.JPG


  5. C

    New to TFP but not new to pools - numbers are off

    Where can I find one of these tables for a Saltwater Generator? Thanks. I see the calculator but would like to see a table showing CYA level/min FC/Target FC/SLAM FC all on one table for CYA levels from 20-100 for a SWG...assuming the table is different. Thanks.
  6. C

    New to TFP but not new to pools - numbers are off

    The pool is 23 years old. The plaster finish is about 7 or 8 yrs. old.
  7. C

    New to TFP but not new to pools - numbers are off

    So here is my current log. I can't seem to get TA to budge much even though I'm adding about 6 cups of acid per week. Any thoughts on what I can do to get that TA down a bit so I can stop having to add so much MA? How far down can my pH safely go if I were to bring it down with a lot of acid...
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  9. C

    Why get a SWCG rated for more than your Pool Volume?

    Thanks. I will get the K-1766 and yes I have a Speedstir...great investment! Leslie's was $600 cheaper for the SwimPure Extreme 40K than Pinch a Penny...yikes!
  10. C

    Why get a SWCG rated for more than your Pool Volume?

    So the pool store wants an additional $400 for the AQR 940. Obviously there will be less pump run time and I guess I would be able to keep it at a lower percentage as well in order to replace/generate 2ppm every day? I've done the pool math as far as output and the FC level based on output and...
  11. C

    Why get a SWCG rated for more than your Pool Volume?

    OK cause I was told by pool store that with the 925, I would need to run pump in winter into spring 8 hours then spring on 8-10. What do you figure it would be with the 940? I'm in South Florida so very wet spring into fall and of course very intense sun (but we don't swim much). Fall and winter...
  12. C

    Why get a SWCG rated for more than your Pool Volume?

    Oh I see, so based on the capacity of my pool, that's what the 2x or 3x means. So if I wanted a 3X unit, I'd be looking at a 36K-40K model. Is there less pump run time with a larger unit? I probably could but don't want to :cool:
  13. C

    Why get a SWCG rated for more than your Pool Volume?

    So what would you say the AQR-925 is? 2X or 3X?
  14. C

    Why get a SWCG rated for more than your Pool Volume?

    Great! Thanks Maddie. I figured there had to be some logical reason why I was referred to the IC60. So the AQR-925 recommended by the pool store should give me the same benefit as the IC60 (I guess they are a Hayward distributor and only offer Hayward), meaning I will not be struggling to keep...