Recent content by Aymerz

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    Opening Pool ran out of test reagent

    Thank you for the replies. We're having unusually warm weather for NYS, so I am anxious to get the water swimmable!
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    Opening Pool ran out of test reagent

    Is there something that I am missing that I can order to add to my test kit? Or do I really need to have the TF-100?
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    Opening Pool ran out of test reagent

    I do have a sock of CYA in the pool right now. I tested it twice so far and at the beginning it was 0, now I can see some cloudiness in the test water, but the black dot never disappears. I also ordered more of the CYA reagent. I thought the K-2006 was one of the reccommeded kits, that's...
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    Opening Pool ran out of test reagent

    Help! We open our pool 5 days ago. I began the Slaming process, but have run out of the titrating reagent to test for chlorine. The water is still cloudy and slightly green. I last tested yesterday afternoon and these are the results: FC=11 cc=1 pH=7.8 CYA=0 TA=100 I checked our local...
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    Just learning

    Thanks to all! This forum had helped me immensely!
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    Just learning

    So, I've had 2 tabs of trichlor in floater for the past 3 weeks (replaced as they dissolved). Here were yesterday's numbers pH 7.6 FC 4.4 CC 0.2 TA 150 CYA less than 30, the water didn't cloud up at all, so I assume 0
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    Just learning

    Hello, I'm a new pool owner. We have an inground 16x32 pool with a hayward sand filter. I have been reading in pool school and purchased the Taylor test kit, 2006. All is going well, and my numbers are all looking good. But, my CYA level is 0. The previous owners left some trichlor, so I...