Recent content by AronInLHP

  1. AronInLHP

    GL 235 Solar Controller blowing fuses

    Thanks again! Got the new actuator in the post yesterday, slapped it in this morning and all is good!
  2. AronInLHP

    GL 235 Solar Controller blowing fuses

    Well, I searched everywhere for a 33uF 100v capacitor with no joy. There was no guarantee anyway that that would have solved the problem anyway, so I did some shopping for a new actuator and found this...
  3. AronInLHP

    GL 235 Solar Controller blowing fuses

    Well, fun fun fun. I took the actuator off, Opened it up and lo and behold there was a little bit of water in there! I'm not sure if I can dry it out as the capacitor looks a little soggy, unless I can just replace that? The water was only in the bottom so it wasn't near the actual motor, but...
  4. AronInLHP

    What's your current pool temp?

    LOL! :cool:
  5. AronInLHP

    GL 235 Solar Controller blowing fuses

    Okay I set the actuator in the off position, put a new fuse in and all was well. However as soon as I turn the actuator back to the on position, the fuse blew. So, should I replace the whole actuator, or just the actuator motor assembly? Thanks again for your help!
  6. AronInLHP

    GL 235 Solar Controller blowing fuses

    Thank you I will try that!
  7. AronInLHP

    What's your current pool temp?

    Sorry to all those in cold climes, mine is at 92! :cool:
  8. AronInLHP

    SWG not generating chlorine when solar blanket is on?

    Thanx to all! SLAM'ed it and all is good!
  9. AronInLHP

    GL 235 Solar Controller blowing fuses

    Hi, I am not sure how old the controller is, as we just bought the house about 16 months ago, but it has worked fine up until now. A couple days ago I noticed the power light was not on. My pump and SWG system was on and running, so it wasn't the breaker. I pulled the panel off and found the...
  10. AronInLHP

    SWG not generating chlorine when solar blanket is on?

    Hi JasonLion, have been covering it every night, and uncovering during the day while the pump is running. Today the water does look a little less murky but the Chlorine is still way low.. Free and combined Chlorine both the same, midway between .6 and 1.0 PH is good at 7.6 Alkalinity is a...
  11. AronInLHP

    SWG not generating chlorine when solar blanket is on?

    Hi, we've been having an unusual problem that only just started as the weather started to cool off in southern Florida. We have solar heated pool and with a new Haywood salt water generator that was installed a little over four months ago. Even when the pool temps hit 90 in the fall, the SWG...