Recent content by 66promod

  1. 66promod

    Spa draining overnight; spa return line check valve replaced

    Just curious since I didn’t see this asked, but was it losing water before you replaced that diverted valve?
  2. 66promod

    Initial TF-100 results

    Good info, thank you. On this first run I did it both with the comparator and the powder test. To confirm, I just have to wait for the FC to naturally come down, correct? Then once below 10 I’ll begin reading the PH and follow your remaining directions - am I on the right track? Thank you very...
  3. 66promod

    Initial TF-100 results

    I must have gotten lucky the first time. This retest comes back 40 for TA again - the 5th drop didn’t make it any more red.
  4. 66promod

    Initial TF-100 results

    Ahh, no I didn’t. I stopped on the first change to red. I’ll test that again. Thank you!!
  5. 66promod

    Initial TF-100 results

    Hey all! Test kit arrived today and here are my current readings - please advise as it’s cloudy and not seeming to get any less cloudy over the last few days. FC 12 CC 1.5 TC 13.5 TA 40 (green to red) PH 6.8 CYA 50 Chlorine test kit reading was off the chart - if I had to guess maybe 10-12+...
  6. 66promod

    Hi from coastal North Carolina!

    Too bad you’re all the way up in NY or I’d give you the tour in person at a local track! Send me a PM (if you can, since I’m a new member) and I’ll send you a few more pics :)
  7. 66promod

    Hi from coastal North Carolina!

    Hello all, Barry here from Leland, NC. I have a new (last summer) 10k gallon above ground pool. It went solid green on me, so I started adding shock and stabilizer/conditioner as well as a box of 20 Mule Team. It’s no longer green at all, but cloudy, so I ran across TFP and started...