Correction and me too -- I still have an Express and a Time Capsule, not an Extreme, in service. That Time Capsule still serves in all its functions including in-the-background automatic backups for our Macs. I try not to even think about it because I don't want to jinx them, but the fact that both of these Apple routers+ are still in service after all these years later is borderline unbelievable, especially because ... we had a terrible storm related power-surge last year. It badly damaged our HVAC, multiple networking devices, a flat panel TV, a projector, two disc players, an AVR, multiple speakers, multiple streaming boxes, created the first clicking GFCI I'd ever heard, all kinds of damage. Just figuring out what had been hit was difficult since so many things just weren't working. Within the first hour as the scope of the problem was starting to become clear, I thought Oh Crud, I bet we finally lost the Time Capsule. The TC was in the same cabinet, and on the same circuit, where I had already identified a dead ethernet switch, a dead disc player and two dead streaming devices. Not just the same circuit, but it was also wired to the same dead ethernet switch as one of the dead disc players and two of the dead streaming devices. But after replacing the ethernet switch, the bloody Time Capsule came back up and ran normally. Surge? I don't care, they built me right. Still can't believe it.