I knew I was Pool Stored when...

I still go to buy acid from time to time. There is usually some poor soul getting the "phosphates" pitch or recommendations for three or more buckets or bottles of expensive stuff. I don't intervene but I still feel guilty for the rest of the day. Is it morally correct to stand there and say nothing while someone is being fleeced? Is there no pity for the pool owner?
I still go to buy acid from time to time. There is usually some poor soul getting the "phosphates" pitch or recommendations for three or more buckets or bottles of expensive stuff. I don't intervene but I still feel guilty for the rest of the day. Is it morally correct to stand there and say nothing while someone is being fleeced? Is there no pity for the pool owner?
Give em a tfp card in the parking lot - they include them in your tfTestkits purchase if you ask- at least they used to.
There’s some printables around here somewhere as well. Can’t seem to find them right now 🔍
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I still go to buy acid from time to time.
Did they try to sell you dry acid? I stop occasionally if I need a Taylor reagent or equipment part. I'll bring a water sample just for the entertainment. Every time when my FC is around 8, they tell me it's way too high (they want 1-3 ppm) and want to sell me a potion to lower it quickly. Also they'll say the pH is too high and try to sell me dry acid. I told the sales associate last time to read the manual on the SWG. It says not to use dry acid.
Did they try to sell you dry acid? I stop occasionally if I need a Taylor reagent or equipment part. I'll bring a water sample just for the entertainment. Every time when my FC is around 8, they tell me it's way too high (they want 1-3 ppm) and want to sell me a potion to lower it quickly. Also they'll say the pH is too high and try to sell me dry acid. I told the sales associate last time to read the manual on the SWG. It says not to use dry acid.
If they tried to sell me a chlorine-reducer I think I'd ask them if it was bottled sunlight.
I figured out early on long preTFP that running hot kept me from being green/cloudy every time it rained like *every last friend* i knew with a pool.

The pool store cringed at my 8 to 10 FC with every visit and I smiled and thanked them for their concern.

I didn't know squat at that point but the results spoke for themselves, and I wasn't changing it.
I approached someone once, in the pool store parking lot, evangelizing TFP. Got a quizzical look. I would never do so in the store (I wouldn't want anyone to pull something like that in my place of business). And probably not ever again in the lot. I can't even convince my friends and neighbors and family how to get a TFP. Not even the ones who have been in my pool! The very long-shot of "converting" a stranger on the street isn't really worth my time.

Newdude is right: misery loves company. They don't want to be told "you're doing it wrong," even though, at some level, they must know that what they're doing can't be right!
I stop occasionally if I need a Taylor reagent or equipment part.
I usually buy all my chlorine and acid at the local Leslie's. They know me now, and know better than to try and sell me anything else. I want to support them, because I like having a brick and mortar 5 minutes from my house.
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I usually buy all my chlorine and acid at the local Leslie's. They know me now, and know better than to try and sell me anything else. I want to support them, because I like having a brick and mortar 5 minutes from my house.
I try and lend support to a very good brick and mortar right around the corner from where I live. I’ll send clients that way in some circumstances. But for those clients that want to supply their own chems (liquid chlorine, acid, sodium bicarb etc) I have trouble stomaching sending them to a store that sells Vertex for $15 a gallon when I can tell them to get the same strength at Menards for $4.00 a gallon.
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a store that sells Vertex for $15 a gallon
Is that the 99% liquid shock my GC claimed he had ? :ROFLMAO:

Dude had 30 something years in the business and looked me dead in the eyes and told me his stuff was 'like 99%'. He had never *once* read the label.

I bet him a paycheck on the spot that it was 12.5%, sight unseen.

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Is that the 99% liquid shock my GC claimed he had ?
Yesssireeee it’s 100% certified, clarified and bonified to be 99% BS…It will clear your pool in minutes. By the way I’m a cash only business because I can’t wait for the check to clear and for you to figure out I’m full of 💩!
I was pool stored when ….
I bought my pool from a pool store ….and everyday since until about 4 days ago

Really, only myself to blame - ignorance (lack of knowledge). I had a blow up pool 4 ft deep. Used it one year threw it way bought another the next year. had a blast in it. Then, thought to my self “self, we need an in ground pool”

I have friends with pools and they highly recommended swg, so I ask for it. Basically didn’t want to sell to me because those are “outdated” sold me the frog system instead … what do I know ? Sounds great. Lower fc levels easier on skin blah blah . I could go on for hours, but in a but in a nutshell …. from ammonia to wwm to shocking with granular this or that 10 days in a row because liquid is “just so bulky and heavy to transport” , to cya is nothing to worry about, and your phosphates are too high . I’ve been pool stored more than my share haha!!
Mind you this is my third year owning a pool that gets used roughly end of May-Oct 1st

Btw on the “ammonia” bout, ends up I spent about $800 on chems with no progress at all.
Then, paid a guy (recommend by a friend, not a pool store person)50 bucks to come test my water with a “real kit” he dumped 4 gal of LC in said you have the highest cya I’ve ever seen and poof ammonia problem solved
But that was a band aid

2 years of headaches , now very grateful for tfp. newdude must have angel wings or a halo (maybe both). Of course ALL help has been appreciated

First year of pool ownership was bliss. Looking forward to having that agin
I was pool stored when ….
I bought my pool from a pool store ….and everyday since until about 4 days ago

Really, only myself to blame - ignorance (lack of knowledge). I had a blow up pool 4 ft deep. Used it one year threw it way bought another the next year. had a blast in it. Then, thought to my self “self, we need an in ground pool”

I have friends with pools and they highly recommended swg, so I ask for it. Basically didn’t want to sell to me because those are “outdated” sold me the frog system instead … what do I know ? Sounds great. Lower fc levels easier on skin blah blah . I could go on for hours, but in a but in a nutshell …. from ammonia to wwm to shocking with granular this or that 10 days in a row because liquid is “just so bulky and heavy to transport” , to cya is nothing to worry about, and your phosphates are too high . I’ve been pool stored more than my share haha!!
Mind you this is my third year owning a pool that gets used roughly end of May-Oct 1st

Btw on the “ammonia” bout, ends up I spent about $800 on chems with no progress at all.
Then, paid a guy (recommend by a friend, not a pool store person)50 bucks to come test my water with a “real kit” he dumped 4 gal of LC in said you have the highest cya I’ve ever seen and poof ammonia problem solved
But that was a band aid

2 years of headaches , now very grateful for tfp. newdude must have angel wings or a halo (maybe both). Of course ALL help has been appreciated

First year of pool ownership was bliss. Looking forward to having that agin

Thanks for sharing that. That should should get framed and go "straight to the pool room".

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