Filter pressure increased after cleaning cartridge


Gold Supporter
Feb 24, 2023
North/Central Florida
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-15)
Pool is new, just finished in December. During rhe pool builder's pool school, they said to clean out the filter monthly, replace yearly. I cleaned it out in February and noticed after the pressure was running lower than it was previously and lower than the green arrow on the gauge. Last week, I cleaned it again ahead of schedule because I've been having an issue with thrips. After, I noticed the pressure was running higher than before, but it was right with the green arrow.

The pump turns on automatically at 100% at 9 am, then runs at 85% once it gets hot enough for the solar panels to kick on. This morning, I returned home from taking my daughter to school and as soon as I got to my driveway, I heard a high pitched whining coming from the pump/filter. It went away when I manually decreased the pump speed down. After finding some anecdotal evidence that it may be the filter making the sound, I cleaned it again this afternoon. I also opened the drain plug and hosed out the inside. After starting everything back up, there was no more whining sound at 100% speed, but the filter pressure has gone up even higher than before and is now running above the green arrow at 100%. I thought the pressure should be lower after cleaning, so I don't know what is causing this. I do have a brand new cartridge I can put in there, but I was hoping to wait until after I get the thrips situation handled (open to suggestions for that as well!).

Apologies for the long post. I'm new to all this and trying to be thorough!
During rhe pool builder's pool school, they said to clean out the filter monthly, replace yearly.

What a load of Bull Feathers... :mrgreen: Cartridges last for 5 to 10 years..

If your filter gets 'dirty' in 30 days you have serious issues. Even if you have a typical Dinky Florida filter.

Show us several pics of your equipment pad...

And tell me what "thrips" are?? :scratch:

Normally, the filter pressure after cleaning would be less, but this depends on how you cleaned the cartridges, what the pump speed was before and after the cleaning, and valve positions.

Edit.. When you clean the cartridges, you should always open the drain plug and get rid of the dirty water.


Jim R.

What a load of Bull Feathers... :mrgreen: Cartridges last for 5 to 10 years..

If your filter gets 'dirty' in 30 days you have serious issues. Even if you have a typical Dinky Florida filter.

Show us several pics of your equipment pad...

And tell me what "thrips" are?? :scratch:

Normally, the filter pressure after cleaning would be less, but this depends on how you cleaned the cartridges, what the pump speed was before and after the cleaning, and valve positions.

Edit.. When you clean the cartridges, you should always open the drain plug and get rid of the dirty water.


Jim R.
Thrips are microscopic yellow bugs that have taken over the pool after I mowed for the first time. They don't seem to want to go away. :cautious:

I attached a couple pictures of the pad, but let me know if you need a different angle or anything. Excuse the 2 tone wall, we are in the middle of painting the house! The valves haven't changed recently. The only thing we really mess with is the waterfall, but we haven't been using to avoid additional pH rise right now. The change in pressure has been at 100% pump speed.

I clean it by taking it out and hosing it off. Nothing fancy, just try to spray the gunk out from the pleats. It has been getting dirty, but we did just have heavy pollen and I think there was some residual dust from construction. And also, I didn't previously open the drain plug.



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Thanks for the pics..

I suspect that you did not clean the cartridge will enough. With microscopic bugs and pollen, you need to spend a little more time cleaning it.

Did the pool builder also tell you you need to run your pump at 100%.. What is the point of a VS pump if you run it at 100%.

The whole idea of having a VS pump is so that you can run it as slow as possible to still get the job done.

I'd clean the cartridge better and see if you still have the same issue.


Jim R.

Thanks for the pics..

I suspect that you did not clean the cartridge will enough. With microscopic bugs and pollen, you need to spend a little more time cleaning it.

Did the pool builder also tell you you need to run your pump at 100%.. What is the point of a VS pump if you run it at 100%.

The whole idea of having a VS pump is so that you can run it as slow as possible to still get the job done.

I'd clean the cartridge better and see if you still have the same issue.


Jim R.
I won‘t say they specifically told me to run it at 100%, but that is how they had it programmed. Normally, it runs from 9am to 6 pm and it goes to 85% once the solar turns on, which is most of the day. That’s really the only reason I haven’t messed with it much. While I am handling the thrips, I’ve been running it overnight at 50% to keep skimming.

So, I spent probably a solid hour cleaning that thing and you are probably right that it’s still full of gunk. Maybe I’ll try again with a different hose nozzle and see if it’s any better. Otherwise, I’ll just throw in the towel and put the new cartridge in there.

Mark the check valve with a magic marker - arrow pointing UP in your case.

Also, look into using hair nets in the skimmer basket. They may stop the majority of stuff getting to the filter. Of course, you will need to check the skimmer every few days.

What is the minimum rpm to activate the flow switch for the SWG?
What is the minimum rpm for the solar to work?
What is the minimum rpm for the pool to skim effectively?

I see you're in Florida - what we call "Land of the dinky filters". Florida PB's tend to put the smallest filter they can find on pools. If you ever have to replace the entire filter, consider getting at least a 420 square foot cartridge filter for your 11k-ish pool. You will have to clean it a lot less often.

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I heard a high pitched whining coming from the pump/filter. It went away when I manually decreased the pump speed down.
These filters sometimes have a loose seal between the top and the center hole of the cartridge causing water to bypass the filter and cause a whistling sound and this can also allow debris to bypass the filter and clog equipment downstream.
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Mark the check valve with a magic marker - arrow pointing UP in your case.

Also, look into using hair nets in the skimmer basket. They may stop the majority of stuff getting to the filter. Of course, you will need to check the skimmer every few days.

What is the minimum rpm to activate the flow switch for the SWG?
What is the minimum rpm for the solar to work?
What is the minimum rpm for the pool to skim effectively?

I see you're in Florida - what we call "Land of the dinky filters". Florida PB's tend to put the smallest filter they can find on pools. If you ever have to replace the entire filter, consider getting at least a 420 square foot cartridge filter for your 11k-ish pool. You will have to clean it a lot less often.
Hindsight being 20/20 and all, there are things I would do differently if I could do it all over, filter size definitely being one of them. But you live and learn! Which brings me to your questions. I do not know the answer to any of those. I would assume I can find information from the manufacturer for the SWG flow switch, but I have no idea about the other two.

I have been using skimmer socks for the past week and half. Those things are amazing! It is picking up a shocking amount of junk. I clean it out every day or so.

These filters sometimes have a loose seal between the top and the center hole of the cartridge causing water to bypass the filter and cause a whistling sound and this can also allow debris to bypass the filter and clog equipment downstream.
Interesting. Is there something I can do to prevent or fix this?
I would assume I can find information from the manufacturer for the SWG flow switch, but I have no idea about the other two.
Nope - that's something you're going to need to do yourself thru trial and error. Every pool is different, as is every pool's plumbing.

Some can run at 1200 rpm to satisfy the flow switch, others need 1500 rpm or higher. Same goes for the solar and skimming.
Interesting. Is there something I can do to prevent or fix this?

Make sure the filter is reassembled correctly, don't run the pump at full rpm, use hair nets in the skimmer basket. Others may have more suggestions.

When the pump is running at 'x' rpm, it's trying to push 'y' amount of water thru a filter that can only pass 'z' amount of water. The excess water will try to find it's way thru the cartridge - and if it can't, will try to find it's way around the cartridge.
Nope - that's something you're going to need to do yourself thru trial and error. Every pool is different, as is every pool's plumbing.

Some can run at 1200 rpm to satisfy the flow switch, others need 1500 rpm or higher. Same goes for the solar and skimming.
Hmm. Ok, looks like I have some work to do.

I will adjust my timers so it’s not automatically running at 100% anymore. Thank you!
Hmm. Ok, looks like I have some work to do.

I will adjust my timers so it’s not automatically running at 100% anymore. Thank you!
Is the pump showing rpms or percentage?
Much easier to work with rpm IMHO.

You do need to start with a clean filter - and know the baseline clean pressure at full speed. After you figure out the minimum rpm that the SWG will operate (solar, skimming, etc), add 100-200 rpm to that to compensate for the filter getting dirty. Keep a record of this to refer to..... makes it easier to refer to if something goes awry.
Is the pump showing rpms or percentage?
Much easier to work with rpm IMHO.

You do need to start with a clean filter - and know the baseline clean pressure at full speed. After you figure out the minimum rpm that the SWG will operate (solar, skimming, etc), add 100-200 rpm to that to compensate for the filter getting dirty. Keep a record of this to refer to..... makes it easier to refer to if something goes awry.
Default is percentage. I will have to see if it shows rpms anywhere. I should be able to figure out the skimming and SWG, but I’m not sure about the solar. I haven’t seen anywhere to adjust the setting.

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