Dolphin Deluxe 4 Cable Question


Apr 2, 2019
I have a Dolphin Deluxe 4 that stopped operating,

There's 29V across two of the pins at the motor end, but one of the three wires does not have continuity from one end to the other.

Are all three wires used (or is it a motor issue)?

The robot uses two wires to power the robot and the third wire for remote control. I am not sure it would have 'continuity' to the other two wires.

Sounds like a motor issue to me.


Jim R.

The robot uses two wires to power the robot and the third wire for remote control. I am not sure it would have 'continuity' to the other two wires.

Sounds like a motor issue to me.


Jim R.
It doesn't have a remote control.

The lack of continuity is from one end to the other in one wire, not between "the other two wires."

Regardless, I'm checking with my local Leslie's where I bought it to see if they can power the motor. I removed it from the chassis.

Does your cable have a swivel? If so, that would be where I would look.

The robot does a self-test when first powered on. It moves forward a little, then backwards a little, then it blows water out the top. When doing this, it measures the current drawn by the motors. If over the limit it will just shut off.

The problem with testing the motor, without any kind of load, is that it can often pass a no-load test but fail when installed in the robot under water.

How old is your robot? They tend to last about 5 years before they bite the dust.


Jim R.
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Does your cable have a swivel? If so, that would be where I would look.

The robot does a self-test when first powered on. It moves forward a little, then backwards a little, then it blows water out the top. When doing this, it measures the current drawn by the motors. If over the limit it will just shut off.

The problem with testing the motor, without any kind of load, is that it can often pass a no-load test but fail when installed in the robot under water.

How old is your robot? They tend to last about 5 years before they bite the dust.


Jim R.
Yes, it has a swivel. How can it be checked?

I'm familiar with the self-test. It doesn't perform it now.

It will be eleven years old in a month.
Does anyone have the pinouts for the cable (at the PCB)? Maytronix will not cooperate in providing them.

There's 29DVC across the b&w wires at the motor unit PCB connection. No voltage across the others. There is continuity on the b&w wires at the PCB connector to other end (power supply connector pins), but not on the red wire.

The cable tester at Leslie's said it was a good cable, but it's odd that one wire doesn't have continuity end-to-end.
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