SWG to chlorine pool


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Oct 25, 2017
Ocala, FL
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Truclear / Ei
Hi guys, long time no see. I hope everyone has been wonderful. I have a little problem that I could use some guidance. My SWG broke last week, and fortunately its under warranty. Unfortunately, they are back ordered, and they are thinking its going to be a month. So it looks like I have to switch my maintenance to a non SWG pool. Whats the best way for me to handle this for a month or so? I never even researched how to handle a chlorine pool, since I didnt have to. When it broke, I did go to Lowes and got 3 gallons of chlorine while I waited for them to come out today. Then they called with the bad news. Should I just keep using liquid chlorine, or is there another way thats easier for me? Thanks.
Looking at your logs it hasn't been updated in 3 years but you can keep using liquid chlorine as per poolmath until the SWCG arrives. If your CYA is low for some reason you can use pucks but just watch it so it doesn't get higher then you need it.
Thanks. My CYA is fine. Im not familiar with using the pucks which is why Im looking for some guidance, whatever will be easier for me to use for a month or so. If the pucks would work that would be a lot easier for me than lugging gallon jugs out to the pool.
Without knowing your CYA - "fine" isn't really a result - it's hard to say.
It's still warm enough, with long-enough days, to end up in a bad spot if you let FC levels fall below minimum.

I'd go buy liquid chlorine in a good quantity. Add daily to maintain target.

If your CYA is low, you can use tabs but they're awfully expensive now.
Im sorry, I knew better than to write "fine". My CYA is 50. Thats good to know about the tabs. I guess Ill just stick with liquid chlorine. Thank you for responding.
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Im sorry, I knew better than to write "fine". My CYA is 50. Thats good to know about the tabs. I guess Ill just stick with liquid chlorine. Thank you for responding.
I think you'll be happier with liquid, but a few tabs won't kill you.
Once you test and dose a few times, I think you'll find that the daily ppm loss is fairly consistent.

After you know what you're using, you can just dose the pool without testing each day. Not more than a 1 minute job.
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Just be sure to follow the liquid chlorine part of the FC/CYA Levels. Dosing a little above target to give yourself a little cushion before your next dose is fine. If u are going to be away tabs in a floater is ok just use PoolMath effects of adding to see what effect each dissolved tab will have on your water as far as cya, fc, & ph. Most regular 3” tabs are 8oz.
+1. Once you lose the constant adding and switch to a once a day addition, you'll see alot more swing than you're used to. The bottom of the swing needs to stay free and clear above minimum. Adjust the top of the swing however it needs to be to accomplish that. If that's 2 ppm over target range, well, that's still 16 under SLAM and entirely safe. :)

The good news is you're an old pro at testing so learning the jug side of things is the easy part. (y)

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+1. Once you lose the constant adding and switch to a once a day addition, you'll see alot more swing than you're used to. The bottom of the swing needs to stay free and clear above minimum. Adjust the top of the swing however it needs to be to accomplish that. If that's 2 ppm over target range, well, that's still 16 under SLAM and entirely safe. :)

The good news is you're an old pro at testing so learning the jug side of things is the easy part. (y)
Thanks Dude! That I am. In fact just last month got my new chemicals from TFP. Now I just have to get used to the swings. I loved the consistency of the SWG. (tiny whine...waaahh).
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For that LC, pinch-a -penny for 2.5 gallon jugs is the best place , be sure to get the splash/transport tray that will save you car during transport from accidental spills. Until your SWG is back up. ( ask me how I know) LOL
Thanks, Ill check on Pinch a Penny next week. Im a lot closer to Lowes, so for the time being Ill just get it from there. But I will check with them too.
KATHY!!!! HI!!!! :wave: So glad things have been going so good!!

Yeah the jugs are really no problem once you get used to what your pool does with the liquid chlorine. I added mine after dinner as I like the idea of it working during the night without fighting the sun for any.

One BIG thing is to NOT wear any nice clothes! NO matter how careful I was I got a new polka dot on my clothes. Just throwing a over large shirt on over your good stuff will help protect them.
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