Pump needs backwashing every few hours?

May 26, 2017
Mebane, NC
Hi all, so I am not that familiar with pool pump lingo. I am still slamming my pool and I am almost at the end. I recently cleaned the sand in my filter by putting the hose in the sand and letting the yuck run out of the top. I believe they call that deep cleaning. After that the filter return keeps losing pressure every few hours. My pressure gage is broken so I have just been feeling the pressure of the water return with my hand to judge when to back wash. (I know, I know, I need to replace it)
If I turn the pool pump off and immediately back on it gets better, and if I backwash it goes back to normal. Any suggestions on what could be going on?
It is a Hayward power Flo pool pump.
If I turn the pool pump off and immediately back on it gets better, and if I backwash it goes back to normal. Any suggestions on what could be going on?
Sounds like you are still dealing with algae. Even if you think the water is getting better, low water pressure at the return jets, short improvement after backwash, or quick filter PSI increase at the gauge (when working) says the filter is overwhelmed. You can post some test results with your TF-100 or Taylor K-2006C. Maybe we'll see something to help in that area. But algae is a chemistry issue and no amount of sand backwashing or deep cleaning will resolve it. If you have any questions about the SLAM Process let us know.
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Thank you, the odd part is when it was a swamp and I started the slam the return didn’t slow this fast, it only started doing this after I did the deep clean, causing me to wonder two things; if I messed up one of the laterals while doing the deep clean? Or if it wasn’t cleaning properly until I did the deep clean?
Do you have any thoughts on either of those before I take a apart my sand filter in order to inspect the laterals? Because that is quite a chore.

I have passed the oclt, and it says I have zero cc’s, but was on my last few days of clearing, so I was keeping it at slam level.
I would post my test results but I tested so much that I just ran out of tests, so have to order more.
Before I ran out my cya was at 50 so I have been keeping the chlorine at 20 or above. (Using the fasdpd)
Until I get my new test I just keep adding the same amount of chlorine that I was the last two days when the test was working and going a little higher just in case.
Or if it wasn’t cleaning properly until I did the deep clean?
That would be my guess. You had some channeling or gaps in the sand that allowed water to get through easier (lower psi) and not filter as it should. If you damaged a lateral you would see sand in the pool near the return jets. You mentioned that you are out of reagents, so I'm not sure how long ago it was that you passed the Overnight Chlorine Loss Test. To pass the OCLT, no CCs, and crystal clear water, it would indicate you are algae-free. So it seems odd your filter psi is increasing quickly. :scratch: Perhaps the filter is still collecting dead algae suspended in the water? Something to monitor and perhaps do another OCLT once you receive your refills.
X2, Homebrewale. I run hair nets continuously from pool opening until pool closing, just to cut down on backwashes. We use well water that has outstanding quality, but we don't want to mess up anything in that regard, so we use hauled water when needed. Most years I only backwash after rainwater gets my pool too full, then I do a backwash instead of just shooting pool water out the waste gate. Last two years, all backwashes were rainfall related; just 2-3 per season, which for us is late May to early October (gotta love that heat pump!) Fell in love with the nets (Amazon.com) when we did our Baquacil conversion a few years ago.
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