Pump run times?


Gold Supporter
Jul 27, 2021
Indio, CA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-15)
Hi. 25,000 Pool gallon. SWG. how long should I run the pump on high speed and low speed to avoid any algae/dirty water? I do have a MKX pool vacuum daily that needs high speed in order to run. Our weather is also starting to hit the high 90’s and we normally have 110 plus weather in the summer. Currently I have it at 4 hours at high speed 3750 rpms and 6 hours at 50% speed.

Algae is handled by the proper level of CYA and chlorine and not by running the pump.

You will need to determine the best runtime for skimming to keep your pool clean. It varies in different environments.

Your 40K cell will produce about 6.7 ppm of FC when run for 24 hours at 100% cell output. That is about .28 ppm per hour

Your pool needs 2 - 4 ppm of FC per day in the summer. To get 3 ppm you will need to run your cell for about 11 hours. Keep in mind this is with your cell's output set to 100%.

This time of year, you probably only need 2 ppm of FC per day, or about 7 hours.

The key here is not guess what your run time should be, but to test your FC and see what it does. If the FC is going down then run the pump longer or increase the cell's output. If the FC is going up, then you can run less or turn the cell's output down.

You always want your FC to be in the proper relationship with your CYA level per the saltwater section of this chart.. FC/CYA Levels

I think running the pump a 50% RPM, is too fast. I'd turn the speed down as low as you can without shutting the cell off.


Jim R.
I run my SWG at 1100 rpm and it depends on how much chlorine you need, no need to run a VS pump at 100% or even 50% :)
Wouldn't running a pump at higher speed increase circulation which makes it more difficult for algae to form

If you have to run the pump faster to prevent algae, you have already lost the battle... :(

Algae starts because of a lack of FC, it really has little to do with circulation. I agree that algae tends to start where the circulation is less, but lack of circulation is not the cause, it is lack of FC.


Jim R.
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Go to this post and read from there. Could be really helpful (another new SWG owner asking the same question).

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Thank you. Will this work for a liquid chlorine pool (not swg)?
Thank you. Will this work for a liquid chlorine pool (not swg)?
Not setup for that. If you are using auto liquid, like a stenner, the idea is the same. If you know how long to run chlorinator to raise 1fc, and say your daily usage averaged over a week/month, you can easily calculate daily run rate.
Not setup for that. If you are using auto liquid, like a stenner, the idea is the same. If you know how long to run chlorinator to raise 1fc, and say your daily usage averaged over a week/month, you can easily calculate daily run rate.
Thank you. Using a stenner but the dosage is based on orp, not time. I do use 2 stenners based on time for two fountains but they are dialed in already. Appreciate it
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The problem with ORP is that you have to keep your CYA very low for it to work. And the sensors go bad over time, but you have no way to tell.

There is nothing like a human in the loop to keep things on track.

Kind of like an autopilot.. if you are asleep, it will work great... right up to the point of the impact. :mrgreen:


Jim R.
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