Booster pump leaking


Bronze Supporter
May 13, 2020
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Our booster pump is quickly becoming the bane of my pool existence. We noticed the pump leaking this morning while the Polaris (Quattro) cleaner was running. This pump is less than 6mo old as it is the one thing we lost during the February freeze and the entire pump was replaced.

We’ve tried tightening the bolt, is this a known weak spot? Anything else we could try?


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There should not be a place where water can leak out at the leak spot.

Looks like a defective housing.

Probably need to file a warranty claim.







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In case it helps anyone else in the future, it looks like we have a crack in the housing. It’s being submitted as a warranty claim, but the service tech mentioned he’s had multiple similar claims recently on newer pumps and suspects maybe a QC issue.
In case it helps anyone else in the future, it looks like we have a crack in the housing. It’s being submitted as a warranty claim, but the service tech mentioned he’s had multiple similar claims recently on newer pumps and suspects maybe a QC issue.
Were you successful with the claim? I have the same pump leaking in the exact same spot. It seems like there are a ton of posts just like this. There is clearly a quality control issue. I am wondering if the issue has been resolved in the newer units.
@kevin007 - sorry for the delayed response. Yes, our claim was successful and I didn’t have to do much at all but call. I’m not sure if it helped, but it was the same company that did our initial startup and replaced it after the big freeze last year. It did take a while, but they took care of everything on their end.
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Were you successful with the claim? I have the same pump leaking in the exact same spot. It seems like there are a ton of posts just like this. There is clearly a quality control issue. I am wondering if the issue has been resolved in the newer units.
If it's a QC issue, it looks like a permanent one :( People started reporting this flaw in pb4sq pumps sold long time ago, and continue doing so. A couple of days ago the motor of my pb4-60 broke (after 5 years). Knowing about pb4sq problems, I bought a new pb4-60 at a local Leslie's store. I'm not concerned about power usage too much - I run Polaris 280 only 1 hour per day.
My pump has the same kind of leak - I informed my pool builder several weeks ago but they didn't help, even though this is under warranty. Kinda sad. I had to purchase a housing myself online and spend the time to replace it myself.
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Our booster pump is quickly becoming the bane of my pool existence. We noticed the pump leaking this morning while the Polaris (Quattro) cleaner was running. This pump is less than 6mo old as it is the one thing we lost during the February freeze and the entire pump was replaced.

We’ve tried tightening the bolt, is this a known weak spot? Anything else we could try?
I have the same issue. It was installed 1 year ago in April. I'm going to contact pb but I doubt they will cover it. Did you go through Polaris for the warranty or PB?
I have the same issue. It was installed 1 year ago in April. I'm going to contact pb but I doubt they will cover it. Did you go through Polaris for the warranty or PB?
Go through Polaris. They are sending redesigned housings to those who press their warranty issue.

The Polaris PB4SQ booster pump has been plagued with pinhole leaks and cracks in the housing. Polaris now has a redesigned housing with visible reinforcements. Below are pics of the old and new housings side by side

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