Desperation is set in - need help


Jul 11, 2021
Sedalia, Missouri
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hi all, new member here. I posted an intro in the appropriate thread, but I need help so I thought I would post my situation here. This might be long, but I want to get everything I know out there.

We closed on our new home June 18th. With said home came a nice 16x32 in ground vinyl liner pool that needs a new liner. However, we don't think the longer is so bad that we can't open the pool and enjoy it a little this summer. A new liner will be installed next spring or over the winter.

I've put a link at the bottom of this post to a small gallery showing the pool. The first pic is when we took the cover off for the first time. There is also a picture of the sand in the filter, multi flow valve model #, the remains of a label on the pump, and lastly how the pool looks this morning. I feel like I've made great progress.

What was not disclosed to us during the purchase was that the pool had sat uncovered for at least 2 years. It has a cover that was on it when we bought the house and it looks new. To that end, there were inches - maybe feet - of dead leaves in the pool, especially the deep end. I have filled 5 of the large 32 gallon trash cans with these things, but based on what I still pull up with my net and brush, I have got just about all of it. I dont feel there are any more leaves in the pool now than what you could normally expect in a pool that was properly closed and covered.

As seen in the last pics, the pool is now a very very light shade of green and very cloudy.

Hopefully my signature shows up with the specs, but if not...pool is a 16x32, local pool store who has always serviced it has it at 25k gallons, Hayward S200 sand filter. Multiple daily tests with a Taylor K2006 test kit.

Here are the results of the last water test last night at 9 PM.

CYA 40-45
PH 7.1 - 7.2

I have been performing the slam process which states my chlorine should be at 16. Out of desperation last night and based on the advice of my friend and several others, I flocced the pool thinking the cloudiness was from dead algae. But this morning it doesnt look any different. So that was probably a waste.

The pool has a very very small - almost not traceable by the leak detection company - underground plumbing leak in the return line likely at a T junction. We are working on that now, but my chem levels have been holding steady for days. I also have a pesky suction side leak I suspect to be the pump strainer normally runs 12 - 15 psi but with air bubbles/foam. But when it gets to 20-25 psi there are no bubbles and the water is glass smooth.

What else should I be doing here? I feel like my only options now are to keep doing what I'm doing and maybe have a swimmable pool by December, call in a pro, or do at least a partial drain and refill. No idea what to do with 25k gallons of water, but if that's what I have to do I guess I can run a backwash hose to the street and let it go around the corner and down the hill to the storm drain.

Please look at the pics and info I provided and help me. If more info is needed please let me know as I either have it or can get it quickly. Thank you so much in advance!

7/12 pool post. <---------pics
With the FLOC you will need to vacuum to waste. You don't want that in the sand filter it will gum it up.

Vacuum, brush as much as you can. Keep going on the SLAM. Trust the PROCESS.

Drain some and refill won't hurt. Get the FLOC out.
For SLAM, would it be ok to lean on the higher side of chlorine amount? So instead of using the amount for a cya of 40 use the amount for 50 even if it's closer to 40?
Always round up. When testing fill to each increment of 10 and then check with a glance and then use level 1 higher than where you don't see dot. So if you saw dot at 50 but didn't at 40 cya is 50
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I vacuumed the Crud out of my pool today (literally, I got a lot out). Going to recheck chemical levels tonight and add as necessary. I drained a lot of water today vacuuming to waste. Also talking to my dad and brother in law, both of which had pools, i think tomorrow i am going to change the sand in the filter. I do not know how old it is or what condition. I took the cover off before I started working on the pool and it was a little less than halfway full and lookd ok, but it's a cheap thing to eliminate. Pool is still a very light cloudy green.
Wait until you are sure ALL the FLOC you added is out if you insist on changing the sand. It doesn't wear out! Its been around forever.

I changed my sand in 2009, still same sand. I deep clean at the beginning of every season. I have gone several years without the need to backwash. If there's no algae to kill, no dead algae to increase pressure.
I would deep clean the sand instead of changing it. The pool did not get in this state overnight, its going to take some time to clear it up and any chemicals or treatments you add that are not part of the slam process is going to slow you down. Keep at the slam, testing and dosing the pool with liquid chlorine every two hours if possible. Once you are cloudy blue and just able to make out the bottom of the pool you can start adding some DE to the sand filter to help catch extra fine debris.
I vacuumed to waste last night and got a lot of stuff out. I had to empty the skimmer bucket several times and clear the suction hole in my vacuum several times. I added water while doing this because I lost a lot. Did a chemical test afterwards. PH was 7.1, alkalinity 125, CYA still between 45 - 50, and FC had dropped to around 10. Used poolmath and added 2 gallons 12% liquid chlorine. Then brushed entire pool walls and floor. Had to backflush filter shortly after as usual when I brush or scoop.

Did a chemical test this morning on just chlorine and FC chlorine should have been up around 20ppm last night, now it was down to about 18 ppm. I have it off right now draining the filter to change the sand now that the floc is out. Pool surface was very foamy with a green tint in some of it.

I need some clarification on SLAM. I was told to do it, but after running the pump to filter I should shut it off and let it sit for 24 hrs then vacuum to waste. Reason given was to let the dead Crud settle to the bottom. Is that true? Just want to make sure I adhere to it as much as possible.

Seems brushing and vacuuming is the key here, it gets that Crud stirred up so the skimmer and filter can do its job. Should I add the DE after I change the sand and how much?

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I need some clarification on SLAM. I was told to do it, but after running the pump to filter I should shut it off and let it sit for 24 hrs then vacuum to waste. Reason given was to let the dead Crud settle to the bottom. Is that true? Just want to make sure I adhere to it as much as possible.
Where did you read that?

Follow the SLAM Process
The shut off is for when you added FLOC. Now that you think it is gone, run the filter 24/7 until you pass ALL three criteria to end the SLAM.

Have you done a deep clean.

As Zea said add the DE when you are cloudy blue and not fighting algae anymore. That is a finishing step.
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I changed the sand today. I realize it may have just needed a deep clean, but it was less than 40 bucks for the sand and a couple hours of my time to start with fresh. Checked chlorine, PH, alkalinity. PH is 7.0, going to get borax later this evening. Alkalinity is 120. Free chlorine was 12, added approx. 1 1/2 gallons 12% liquid chlorine per poolmath. Pump is running now. A lot of white foam appearing on the surface.
PH reading isn't valid with FC>10. During slam just worry about chlorine. Ph will rise during slam thats why you lower to 7.2 before starting
Unless you have reason to believe it could be lower from a prior test with a lower FC I would leave it alone. If FC drops to 10 or lower you could verify then
I changed the sand today. I realize it may have just needed a deep clean, but it was less than 40 bucks for the sand and a couple hours of my time to start with fresh. Checked chlorine, PH, alkalinity. PH is 7.0, going to get borax later this evening. Alkalinity is 120. Free chlorine was 12, added approx. 1 1/2 gallons 12% liquid chlorine per poolmath. Pump is running now. A lot of white foam appearing on the surface.
My only advice for you is to slow down and determine whose advice you want to follow. You are a little all over the place, potentially making mistakes that will set you back in getting to the desirable TFP pool. If you didn’t remove all of the FLOC, your new sand can end up causing you new issues, as a previous poster tried to tell you. No one here would ever recommend FLOC, so that’s another potential unforced error.

SLAM is very simple, if you let it be. But there’s plenty of people who get it wrong - don’t be those people!
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The poolmath app is incredible. I poured in exactly the amount of liquid chlorine it told me to a few hrs ago to reach a FC level of 20 ppm, and I just did a FC test before bed as usual...20 ppm right on the dot.

I havent stepped foot in the local pool store since I got my k2006 and started SLAM. Dont think I will now. I'm not willing to tackle a vinyl liner replacement next spring though, so guess I'll have to go through them
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So an update. Been at the SLAM process for almost a month now. Sometimes I feel like I make progress, other times not. Been brushing daily and vacuuming to waste every other day. Check chemical levels twice a day, sometimes more, to maintain a FC level of 16-20 depending on CYA, which I recheck after I vacuum to waste due to the loss of water and topping off with fresh.

Levels are as follow from a test taken about 1 pm today:
FC - 12
PH - 7.3 - 7.4
CYA - 40

I had a different pool store check my water since it was free and I was in the area. They had my PH at 7.8 for some reason, I am keeping with what my Taylor kit shows. They had all my other levels about right with what I get. But their test had phosphate on it, and I was somewhere around 550 ppm. Is that the cloudiness I'm dealing with? Almost seems like there is a distinct line between clarity and cloudiness in the water

I'm having to add less chlorine every day to maintain levels and I actually swam in it today because I was hot. Nothing feels dirty or slimy.

Any other suggestions? Starting to feel like maybe I should have drained a refilled a month ago

Pic as of a few min ago
Pool 7/19
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That seems odd. Have you checked/cleaned your filter recently, including making sure it is working after you replaced the sand? Sand takes the longest to clear a pool, but a month seems excessive for your case.

You said you mentioned Floc at some point, which can gum up your sand. Have you added any Floc recently?

Could you have iron or other metals in your water by chance?

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