A Major Thank You


TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
Eastern Ohio
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine

This last year has been a year on TFP has been one I never would have expected, and the numbers above boggle my mind. While they likely mean nothing to you without knowing the entire context, when I look at them my eyes still to this date do a double take. Had you of told me that an event would have caused TFP to explode in traffic over the last year I quickly would have started looking at all sorts of items we can do to "exploit" this surge in traffic, but I would have likely missed our key "selling point," just how amazing our members are.

Over the last year as many of you can expect TFP has seen a major surge in traffic. This surge meant that we've registered 47,093 new users to the website who have went on to start 27,310 new threads. These new threads have caught the eye of our users and have received 243,081 responses from our users, assisting them with their issues. To date, out of the 27,310 new threads only 1 thread hasn't received some sort of a comment from another user.

Over the last year TFP's members have been so amazing as they've reached out to others to help some total stranger solve some problem with their pool. I've seen members offer to take care of a strangers water while another is on vacation, I've seen members drive hours to hand deliver some extra test reagent to a user who's low and in the middle of a SLAM, I've seen members send personal funds to other members who were facing hard times. Over the last year with all the chaos in the world I've seen so much good from the members on TFP that it makes me smile. To each of you from the bottom of my heart, thank you for making this website what it is...........an amazing community of people helping one another.

To each of you out there who are assisting some total stranger with their problem, Thank You! To each of you who are just joining TFP looking for assistance with your pool, Thank You for joining us!

As one of those 47,093 that joined TFP last year, a big thank you back to you Leebo and all the other Mods, Guides, Experts to make all of this possible. And of course to every single TFP member to make this site what it is.

It has definitely been a whirlwind of a year!
The thought that over 47,000 people have been led down the path of confidently & affordably enjoying their pool/spa is AMAZING 🤩 All the mods & admins have had their work cut out for them this year for sure.
Here’s to another year of making the pool community a better place 🍻
Family Vacation Drink GIF by Alaska Airlines
Your efforts in making this site informative, interesting, easy to navigate, friendly and fun
are invaluable to all of us. I came here years ago with a disaster of a pool, learned how to
make it a TFP pool and stayed. Y'all got me through Texas' Icemageddon and I am forever
grateful to the hard working mods and great members for their excellent info!

It's no wonder the word has gotten out! Congrats on a wildly successful year and more to come! 🎉
Thank you to all the members that help in anyway. I been a member of differents type of forums. But in here the first time i post my thread, the help was so fast and polite. That now i spend a lot of hrs reading,and learning. Thanks
As a moderator, this is what we pride ourselves on. We want friendly interaction and the person asking the question to get teh answer they need.
As one of those 47,093 that joined TFP last year, a big thank you back to you Leebo and all the other Mods, Guides, Experts to make all of this possible. And of course to every single TFP member to make this site what it is.

I am also one that stumbled over this site and joined late last year. It has been immensely helpful to me in helping me critique and adjust the design of our yet-to-be-built pool.

I’ve been a member of several on-line forums, but none nearly as good as TFP. The knowledge, patience, kindness, and willingness of the moderators, guides, experts, and regular members to help with problems and questions is amazing.

Because of this site, this will be the first pool of which I understand both the pool water chemistry as well as the equipment functions. That will be both satisfying and empowering.

A big thanks to everyone on TFP!

So many new members! I hope many of them will consider supporting TFP to help the forum remain advertising free and as up to date in technology as it can be for smooth running.

Two ways to help out:

and/or when you shop on Amazon and want to support TFP- They will donate a small amount to TFP with each purchase you make. It adds up! AmazonSmile: You shop. Amazon gives.

Maddie ✌️
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I also found this forum last year. It's been an immense help to me maintaining and upgrading my pool. With all the saved money, time, and headaches, the friendliness of this community is just the icing on the cake!
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As funny as this sounds this forum has taken me over. I'm constantly looking to help someone out there feeling helpless with their pool gone awry. I guess it's a way of giving back as I landed here for the same reason. Thanks to all of you who are behind the scenes making this technology work at it's best.
As funny as this sounds this forum has taken me over. I'm constantly looking to help someone out there feeling helpless with their pool gone awry. I guess it's a way of giving back as I landed here for the same reason. Thanks to all of you who are behind the scenes making this technology work at it's best.
I’m one of the beneficiaries of your help. So thank you!!
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I'm not new this year, but I too have benefitted greatly over the years. My exhaustive threads and many questions, often repeated, have always been answered with patience and understanding... Here's to all at TFP, a great year and many more.....
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Lee, thanks for the clap backs.. and I say back at ya! The Guides, Experts and Moderators ( I call them the GEMs) have set the tone for this site. And if it wasn't for your gentle guidance this site would easily degenerate into flame wars... I am amazed at the number or members with significant knowledge in their own fields that come and contribute altruistically. They are GEMS too. Its a wonderful community to be a part of. And I will do all I can to keep it vibrant and wonderful.
Many "Kims" to everyone!


This last year has been a year on TFP has been one I never would have expected, and the numbers above boggle my mind. While they likely mean nothing to you without knowing the entire context, when I look at them my eyes still to this date do a double take. Had you of told me that an event would have caused TFP to explode in traffic over the last year I quickly would have started looking at all sorts of items we can do to "exploit" this surge in traffic, but I would have likely missed our key "selling point," just how amazing our members are.

Over the last year as many of you can expect TFP has seen a major surge in traffic. This surge meant that we've registered 47,093 new users to the website who have went on to start 27,310 new threads. These new threads have caught the eye of our users and have received 243,081 responses from our users, assisting them with their issues. To date, out of the 27,310 new threads only 1 thread hasn't received some sort of a comment from another user.

Over the last year TFP's members have been so amazing as they've reached out to others to help some total stranger solve some problem with their pool. I've seen members offer to take care of a strangers water while another is on vacation, I've seen members drive hours to hand deliver some extra test reagent to a user who's low and in the middle of a SLAM, I've seen members send personal funds to other members who were facing hard times. Over the last year with all the chaos in the world I've seen so much good from the members on TFP that it makes me smile. To each of you from the bottom of my heart, thank you for making this website what it is...........an amazing community of people helping one another.

To each of you out there who are assisting some total stranger with their problem, Thank You! To each of you who are just joining TFP looking for assistance with your pool, Thank You for joining us!

View attachment 324013
Thanks for keeping the site up, what most non it people don’t realize is it takes a lot of work. Your job is to make it look easy.
And the site can be up for 12 years straight but when it’s down for 4 hours they say “ you should be fired” 😎
Many "Kims" to everyone!
Guzzy you wonderfully enlightened goofball !!!! You’ve done it AGAIN by inadvertently pointing out ANOTHER awesome forum quirk.

If they spend enough time helping, folks get known for their emojis.
There is the @kimkats :kim:

The @Maddie :flower:

The @Jimrahbe :mrgreen:

The @Rancho Cost-a-Lotta :salut:

The @Texas Splash :wave:

More Kim :party:

The beloved @Dirk (who EVEN has 2) :hammer: :crazy:

It’s something comforting to all of us to get a particular stamp while getting helped.

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***official petition to get our beloved @mknauss bot his own emojii****

I mean. Sure he is digital..... but all those 1s and 0s have feelings too. Maybe the Android guy holding a cute sign that says
‘Welcome to the forums
i suggest you read ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry

just think how many MORE people he could help with just one click !!! The list would grow exponentia............. WAIT !!!!! NO !!!!! It would grow ‘logarithmic in scale’.

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