Cloudy Hot Tub


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2018
Palm City, FL
The long and short of this is that when I turn the spa on (heater running, pool off, no blower) the spa becomes incredibly cloudy. When in pool mode with the pump running (return water goes to the spa and pool) the spa water is crystal clear. It appears that the chemicals are balanced with the pool water when it is cloudy. Should I be concerned? Is this just the affect of micro water bubbles or something much worse. Attached are pics of the pool water. As you can see you can barely make out the main spa drain that is 3 feet deep, but the main drain in the pool that is 6 feet deep is crystal clear. When I go into pool mode the spa clears up and looks like the pool. Any thoughts?


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Can you post a full set of test results? Does the cloudy water go away immediately when you go to Pool Mode? How do you chlorinate?
Can you post a full set of test results? Does the cloudy water go away immediately when you go to Pool Mode? How do you chlorinate?
After seeing your question I timed how quickly the spa returned to normal and it only took 2 minutes to return to normal. As a result I wouldn't imagine that pool chemistry is the issue and more than likely it would be an issue of flow rate and aeration. When in pool mode the return water is 50/50 between the pool and spa. When in spa mode it is 100% spa. The pump is running at 52 gpm so I wouldn't imagine that it would be the issue, but maybe it is.
Aeration means it is getting air entrained. Which is normal for a spa. Sounds like nothing to worry about.
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