Main Drain Advice needed


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Jun 14, 2007
Boise Idaho
I drained my pool to repair the rough surface caused by a contractor that acid washed the plaster to a point that it would make my kids feet bleed. That job is complete.

However, when I was pressure washing the pool and cleaning a piece of what appear to be concrete came out of one of the main drains. Both drains have this same stuff in them.

Any ideas of what I should do as a proactive measure before refilling the pool? Picture attached.

I would hate to fill the pool to only find a leak. Thanks in advance.


  • IMG_3866.jpg
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Hmm... looks like overspray from when the pool was originally installed. I don't think you need to do anything accept remove any loose concrete. Hopefully someone else will chime in.
I was just afraid they used this material to patch a broken drain casing. If I remove it and find a hole or cracked casing, can you advise on what material I should use to patch? I do have a small jug of the E-Z Patch plaster repair.
I see a little wingnut in the pipe opening. So that pipe is plugged, is the other drain plugged as well?

Good catch! Does your main drain work? This is plugged and plugging it here means it was permanently plugged. The other side of the drain should also be plugged. Could have been a leak and they just decided to abandon the main drain.
I plugged them while I sanded the rough gunite so I didn't get a bunch of wet plaster in the main system. I just used a pump to get the water/plaster out.

I would have to chip the cement in the drains to get it out. I was afraid one piece broke off already so was sure if I should just chip it all and inspect or leave it. The pool did not leak before I drained it, but since a piece came off I got worried.

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