Pre pool opening (white water mold)

Sounds GREAT. Leave the autocover open during the day so the UV can burn off the copious amount of CCs you'll be making.

The testing will tell you what intervals you need. Start with 2 hours (because you're around) and when it holds pretty well at 2 hours, go to 3 hours, then 4, etc. Go as late as you're awake. Usually if you hit it often on day one, it holds 4 to 6 hours on day two and up to 12 hours on day 3, plenty of time to go back to work on Monday for those starting on a weekend.

Of course, this one is a bit more than usual, but it will still tell you what it needs if you listen.

You can always dose early and buy your next X hours away (per recent testing) if you need to run errands or sit through a peewee soccer game.
Is it your experience that slam does indeed get rid of wwm?
We don't have many wwm battles under our belt. It's typically a baqua pool issue and they either convert or go about their way. (converting with a SLAM gets rid of it, we just don't have a large sample size).

Wwm is a bacteria, so the chlorine will do its thing and the filter will remove the particles that are left.
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I appreciate having a plan in place
While we have time to plan, also consider draining a good chunk. If the ground water table is below your FB pool, you have cheap fill water, and a good path to drain high volume, it's always best to not have to fight in the first place. Say you drain 75%, you'll only have 25% of the battle after refilling.

*well water may also be an issue either from low volume or possible metals.
Pool shop called. Opening us tomorrow !
Wahoo 😅
I asked what they would be using far as chems - you guys will love this :
“Something new this year call E-Z pool a granular product”
Ph balancer
Ta balancer blah blah all in one

I said ty but I will handle the chems myself.
Can you imagine what kind of mess that would end up?!
But I did ask her to send a bottle of filter cleaner with them

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If I’m understand the question correctly?
You are. If the time ever comes that you'd like to learn, we walk several through their first rodeo each spring/fall. The place by me wanted $700 something to close. ( I spit out my coffee at 'seven hun' and missed the rest of it. ) I imagine opening would be the same, plus whatever spendy chemicals that they arbitrarily dumped in.
I suppose the value is, they are doing for me what I don’t know how to do.
If I’m understand the question correctly?
I don’t know all the details of your pool but I opened mine this week and it involved removing the plugs in all the returns and the skimmers, putting plugs back in the pump and filter, then turning everything back on. It’s generally much easier to open than to close as there’s no fancy blowers needed.

Sticking my arm into the 50F water to unscrew the plugged returns was about the most unpleasant part of it.
It’s generally much easier to open than to close as there’s no fancy blowers needed.
It's WAY easier and the perfect way to have 3/4 of a rodeo under your belt to save big in the fall also.

Then we only have to teach you the blowing out part in the fall, and the rest is doing the opening, but in reverse.
I suppose the value is, they are doing for me what I don’t know how to do.
If I’m understand the question correctly?
So you're just paying for a private on your own turf lesson on your own pool. Take notes and watch all what they're doing. Come next opening season and be your own pro. :unsure:
I could be mistaken, but I thought they put antifreeze of some sort in?

I am willing to learn for sure !

For this year, I will leave my opening for tomorrow.
they charge $225 for opening with no chems
Mine is 250 ish because I asked for a bottle for filter cleaner
You are. If the time ever comes that you'd like to learn, we walk several through their first rodeo each spring/fall. The place by me wanted $700 something to close. ( I spit out my coffee at 'seven hun' and missed the rest of it. ) I imagine opening would be the same, plus whatever spendy chemicals that they arbitrarily dumped in.
Oh yeah that’s a bit pricey!! Honestly idk if 225 is a fair price or not . I just know I’m not educated in the ways of doing it ^ for now 😉
Honestly idk if 225 is a fair price or not .
That's a great price. I bring all my equipment inside and even the total reassembly with several trips to the basement, shed and garage takes me less than an hour soup to nuts. I don't make $225 an hour, so I'd still do it by you too. Lol.

*disclaimer, it takes longer to fully dry the cover but 10 mins of actual work for the Mrs to help me lay it out on the lawn in the morning, flip it at lunch, and fold it up at the end of the day

*more disclaimers, it takes longer to reassemble the patio too, but I'd have that chore with or without the pros doing the opening.

, but I thought they put antifreeze of some sort in?
They do. It's $4 a jug at Lowes/Walmart. We'll go over all that when the time comes. :)

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