Pre pool opening (white water mold)

Add them all up and you went through 19 ppm today.
Got it !

And you did AWESOME keeping it as near to SLAM all day as reasonably possible
Thanks !! I’ve had myself overly worked up abt this whole thing. I’ve been thinking it would take weeks to turn this thing around.
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I didn’t add LC last night (because I had already dozed off)

So last test was
8:30 pm (fc 22) no addition of LC
(Which made last addition at 5pm)
Closed cover about 9 pm
6:30 am still dark (fc 22)

It’s thunder storms here now, when I get a dry window will add LC and test in 15 min to check bleach strength
After 15 min fc 24!! First time to see it 😊

It’s very windy here today. We have a tree with white petals (as do the neighbors). Of course the pool is like a magnet drawing them haha. Close cover between tests or leave open and skim often ?
After 15 min fc 24!! First time to see it 😊

It’s very windy here today. We have a tree with white petals (as do the neighbors). Of course the pool is like a magnet drawing them haha. Close cover between tests or leave open and skim often ?
Whoot !!
Yes - leave the cover open during slam.
Also- clean the underside of the cover. Keep the filter going 24/7 & dump the skimmer often
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😂 you over estimate my tech willingness or abilities
It’s seriously easy- if you have a gmail/google account you already have a YouTube channel. Upload as unlisted (anyone with a link can view) or public then hit share & copy/paste link here.
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If the FC has dropped, add it back. You're home and it only takes a couple mins. Like 3. Lol.

If you have anything else to run and do, it will be fine for a longer time on its own.
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I’m headed out to do vac and brush . Yesterday it seemed the front of the brush continually wanted to lift? Esp on pull back. I put my hand under and felt plenty of suction. I’m assuming it’s my technique, tips welcome
Is it ok to round up like to 4 cups ? Or just be precise
It's being diluted by 10k gallons. Eyeballing is entirely fine.
I’m assuming it’s my technique, tips welcome
The angle of the pole makes a huge difference. With a steep angle like in the deep end, the weight of the pole keeps the head stuck to the floor. With a low angle like doing the shallow end, it's easy to pull the head up. You can try changing your stance/location and the pole angle, or increase RPMs for more suction in the shallow end.
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Thank you. I cleaned the top of the cover twice before they opened the pool. I thought you meant the underside of the cover (that touches the water). I used a “cover cleaner” I’d have to check brand
If the underneath is contacting slam fc level water it should take care of anything yucky 🤢 maybe close it a couple hours here & there while slamming to expose it.
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Ok after the 15 min test (8:45 am)
I had finally hit fc 24
10:30 fc 22.5 added 4 cups LC
11:30 fc 24 didn’t add LC
1:45 fc 22.5

This water seems to love the number 22!
Unless you advise otherwise I’m gonna go to 1 hour increments to try to
maintain 24

Cc has remained 0.5 through much of the process. I recorded 1 a few times, nothing over 1.
This last test, cc barely turned a smidge pink with the 5 drops r 003, back to clear with 1 r 0871 (what I’ve been counting as 0.5 ppm) but I could tell it’s actually lower by the shade

** side note it is very sunny here so far today 73 degrees
1:45 fc 22.5 added 4 cups
2:45 fc 22.5 added 4 cups
3:45 fc 24 didn’t add closed cover (wind is awful dirt/ tree bloom petals)
4:45 fc 23.5 added 8 oz closed cover after 10 min
6:15 fc 23 added 16 oz

* pool pleeeease get to 24 and stay there 😡 🤬
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