Board ordered & now time to attack my fishing pond. I mean swimming pool. I swear a good largemouth would probably do just fine if I threw him in there!
Will have to order the FAS/DPD later this week. One of the other vacationing joys is evidently our credit card got hacked. Thankfully CC company caught suspicious transactions before any damage was done, but still have to wait for new card to get here. Anyway, did some liquid tests today and also went to Leslie's to see what their electronic meter showed. I've gotten to know the guy there pretty well and he seems to genuinely care as opposed to just pushing product. And he takes his time with the testing. The few times I've double checked (today included), the results are within striking distance.
Anyway, I put 3# shock last night, chlorine tabs in each of the skimmers, and SWG is on 100% at least producing during forward cycle. My test and Leslie's showed 1 TC and barely any FC at all . . . even after all that manual. pH is 7.8, so I added a jug of muriatic to pull that down before starting SLAM. CYA is 60. Phosphates 9 & Salt 2,700.
I've never had to do SLAM before. I'm wanting to use 56% Cal Hypo as I have (12) 1 lb bags in my chemicals closet & TFP app shows that would be almost exact on the money to get to 24 FC. But it looks like that may get my salt all jacked up? Would be 8 gallons of 10% liquid chlorine if that Cal Hypo is simply a bad idea, but man it would be nice to use some of this stuff I already have on hand. These constant chemicals are getting expensive! And this is just a recommended initial dose. Is there a chance I'll be adding the same amount tomorrow and the next day, maybe slightly decreasing over time?
I'm seriously reaching a point to just drain WAY down & manually scrub as much as possible. Water isn't super expensive here (roughly $3 per 1,000 gallons). In other words, it would be about $100 (plus several days time) to re-fill the darn thing! With a new SWG already installed and a new board coming later this week, I could deep clean the cartridge filter and start over from scratch with everything being super clean . . . . . .
That or SLAM??