Winterizing suggestions?

May 30, 2016
Hey everyone I'm back!!! After I got the hang of my pool everything was pretty much smooth sailing during the summer....until I got lazy the middle of september :( my pool got what appears to be black algae :'( so I know it's bad but is it horrible to just cover the pool and start over next season. We would probably just drain the pool. I have no time to scrub daily and pour chemicals. Idk really what I'm doing any suggestions with the holidays I'd like to keep any extra money in my pocket as well :/
Draining a pool completely is not always the best or safest option for your pool shell. If you plan on doing a true winterizing process (closing your pool completely) and you're not able to perform a TFP "SLAM" now to eliminate the algae, then you could leave it alone and wait until spring. Sure, the spring opening will be much more difficult, but it's like a bad bill that keeps coming in the mail. "You can either pay me now or pay me later." Either way you have to address it. Just as important after the algae is treated is ensuring it never returns, so establishing a good pool maintenance routine will be important in the future.

Personally if it were me, I would address it now and SLAM/scrub like crazy. Your water temp should be dropping which means that chlorine (FC) consumption "should" be slowing down from the sun. That means a more effective SLAM so your HEB/Wal-Mart bleach can do its job directly on the algae without much competition from the heat/sun. It might also help reduce the potential for algae to become engrained in the plaster making stains easier to remove now as opposed to 4-5 months from now if they are allowed to set-in.
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