Winter pool cover in-pool stand/support

My husbands wants to put a stand in the center of the pool (padded with noodles so as to not dig into the bottom of the pool and the ladder pad under it) and then put the winter cover over that. This will be our second winter with the pool. Last winter it was more work than I ever want to do again and was freezing trying to get snow/ice off of the cover (he has MS so it is difficult for him in extreme heat or cold)....also, I am 5' tall - making it extremely difficult on the high side of the pool! My question is - is this safe for the liner to put this stand in the middle - it is not large and we will use our existing sand filled milk jugs to hold it down around the outside to hold it down. I have seen the "pool-tree" system and this would be similar only not a floating object in the pool but a standing pvc "tree". I can post photo of the tree if you like. Thank you for any advice on placing something like this in the winter.
I have always just used a pillow in the center, but I don't really get any snow. Rain water builds up but I siphon if off before I remove the cover and typically get a small amount of dirty water and debris into the pool, but nothing major.

My step dad lives in MO and got tired of all the snow so he built angled supports over the pool (16x32 AGP) and laid the cover over that, but it collapsed the first year. He made some changes the next year and it has worked pretty well at preventing any buildup on the cover - it just slides off. He does have a deck around the entire pool so he was able to set the frame supports on the deck at pool level which made it easier.
We inflate nearly every pool float we have and toss them in the pool. Then I pull the mesh cover tight as I can and wait for Spring. I'll blow some leaves off during fall, as necessary, but the water is darn clear when I open in the Spring.
We inflate nearly every pool float we have and toss them in the pool. Then I pull the mesh cover tight as I can and wait for Spring. I'll blow some leaves off during fall, as necessary, but the water is darn clear when I open in the Spring.

Yep that is what I am doing. The pool floats elevate the mesh cover above the pool water. When the snow hits say January and February I take the cover off my pool so it doesnt pull the weight of the snow on the uprights and bend them. THen I put them back on in March or April once the threat of snow is over.

As an aside I am using the aquador and a threaded return plug and I'm not planning on draining the pool
How about an oversized winter cover. Let the cover sit on the water then up and over the pool sides. You can let the snow pile up all winter and not worry about it. I'll get a few feet of snow on the cover this way everything is just fine, no pull on the top rail or uprights.
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