Will this work for a Salt Water Chlorinator

Mar 28, 2007
Was thinking of going away from the Liquidator to a Salt Water Chlorinator. I have attached a picture and was wondering if the Chlorinator can be positioned on the pipe going from the heater on that angle. Any help would be appreciated.


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I'm not sure the cell will fit between the inlet and outlet pipes. Once in hand, you can check for clearance. If it fits, you're good to go.

You have some options, but here are a few things to consider assuming your current plumbing is 2":
  • You can loosen the union at the heater outlet, trim the pipe, and swing that pipe at any angle you want.
  • Your check valve will accept two sizes of plumbing; 2" inside slip (pipe) which is currently used and 2.5" coupler/fitting on the outside of the socket. Use a 2.5" to 2" reducer bushing to connect pipe.
  • Your diverter valves accept two sizes; 1.5" inside slip (pipe) or 2" coupling on the outside (currently used)
You can probably work out a design that allows the use of either the check valve or diverter valve as connection points.

One option is to cut the outlet pipe as shown in the photo, loosen the union, and swing the pipe straight down to the ground (parallel to the inlet pipe). Cut the elbow off the check valve as shown. Run a 90 degree out from the pump to another 90 inline with the chlorinator. You should have room to fit the cell and the flow switch before the check valve. The check valve will accept a 2.5" coupler on the outside. Use a reducer bushing to get you back down to 2" pipe to connect to the SWG union.

If you decide to remove the chlorinator and check valve, you'll be left with a useless 2" coupler on the diverter valve. You could cut that coupler flush with the valve face and slip a 1.5" pipe inside. Then use a reducer bushing with 2" coupler to get you back up to 2" pipe size.


Just throwing a few ideas out there for you...
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