WiFi Enabled Controllers


Gold Supporter
May 22, 2018
Elmhurst, IL
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I understand that they make Digital, WiFi-enabled Controllers that allow you to access the pool chemistry levels (ORP and pH) remotely form a phone App. Does anyone have a recommendation for this type of Controller? Do any Controllers also give readings for CYA, CH or TA? Also, does a WiFi-enabled Controller allow you to adjust the chlorine and/or acid feeds remotely..... or just read the levels?
See this thread on a Sutro review and you can search also for a review on Water Guru
I understand that they make Digital, WiFi-enabled Controllers that allow you to access the pool chemistry levels (ORP and pH) remotely form a phone App. Does anyone have a recommendation for this type of Controller? Do any Controllers also give readings for CYA, CH or TA? Also, does a WiFi-enabled Controller allow you to adjust the chlorine and/or acid feeds remotely..... or just read the levels?
Apologies on the belated reply... just came across your thread @JPMorgan the answer is yes and yes.... I also know that there used to be... and still is through dealer now, a Fluidra item that was portable or fixed and could be purchased for $200 that did all of this... it works well enough that I'm happy with its performance. It has integrations with your chem and pool controllers by Jandy.
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