Why does my pool need so much bleach?


Well-known member
May 5, 2012
Crestwood Ky
This morning I tested my water. It was low on the chlorine level. I added enough, 90 oz, to get it to a 7.
Today people were swimming in the pool. Hot and sunny day.
I tested the water. It was 4.4. I just 114 oz.
My CYA is 30.
Why is my pool using so much bleach? Almost 2 jugs in one day.
The other night, I did an overnite test. I had 1.0 CC and .4 FC loss the next morning. Water is very clear.
What say you?

You had it at 7 this morning and now it's at 4.4. That's a 2.6 FC loss. That's normal. I'd even call it low if you had a pool party. You use so much bleach because a) you have a big pool and b) you're using weak bleach. Hunt for pool chlorine at 10 or 12% concentration. It may end up cheaper per %-ounce and will mean fewer jugs to tote.

1 CC is worrisome, but not panic-inducing. If you ever got talked into using non-chlorine "shock" aka Monopersulate aka MPS, it reads as CC on the test. If you just added a bunch of tap water before that 1 CC test. it could be that the water company uses chloramines to prevent pipe corrosion and it got in that way. If it went away and hasn't come back, ignore it.
EddieO, remember that chlorine in a pool is a "consumable" item. You put it in, it gets used up and it is gone. So you need to add it again.

WHen you have extra swimmers in the pool, or perhaps a kid who pee'd in the pool, your chlorine may get used up faster on that day than others. Plan ahead and up the FC before the party, or know you'll have to test and add it after.

Normal daily chlorine (FC) loss in a pool is about 2 (hot sun can cause more, cloudy days maybe less). In really hot sunny climates like Texas and out west we might even suggest slightly raising your CYA level to combat the sun's rays.

You're using jugs of bleach so every time you go to the market you should pick a few up. It averages out to be about the same cost in the end as folks who buy a Salt Water Chlorine Generator. They just "bought" their chlorine all at once (in the price) and you're paying for yours piece meal.

Maddie :flower:
Agree with Chryssykr above. If you are in an area that gets a lot of heat during the summer, upping your CYA is the only way to go. Upping your CYA to 50 will slow down the FC burn off and give you a little leeway on your daily FC loss. Don't forget to up your target FC to match the higher CYA. So, at CYA 50, you need to dose FC to 8 and never let it get below 4.
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