White flakes in pool


Bronze Supporter
Apr 25, 2022
Tampa FL
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite Pro (T-15)
I just noticed white flakes in my pool. I super chlorinated this morning for 4 hours. We were in the pool yesterday and they weren’t there.

I checked the SWG, it’s clean. I checked the filter (cleaned a few days ago - still clean, but I swapped the cartridge anyway). Pool is balanced - tested this morning in fact.

I just noticed white flakes in my pool. I super chlorinated this morning for 4 hours. We were in the pool yesterday and they weren’t there.

I checked the SWG, it’s clean. I checked the filter (cleaned a few days ago - still clean, but I swapped the cartridge anyway). Pool is balanced - tested this morning in fact.

I tried to catch some, but I can’t. There’s not a huge amount - but enough that I’m worried. I’ve turned the filter back on high.
Lower your pH to 7.4. Do this every few days and get the TA a bit lower. The SWCG is shedding calcium scale.
I tried to catch some, but I can’t. There’s not a huge amount - but enough that I’m worried. I’ve turned the filter back on high.
Also I’ve never cleaned the cell with anything but water. It’s just always perfectly clean each time I take it off. Not sure if that’s my problem.
Until the scale stops. Elevated water temperature increases CSI. The flakes are a sign CSI is a bit high.

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Ok I will drop it down to 60 and keep it there. You are always so helpful - and your advice always works! Thank you so much.
Flakes are gone! I will continue to lower the TA to 70 and now maintain it between 60-70 moving forward. Slightly negative CSI rather than slightly positive. But as close to zero as possible. Once again thank you for your help - I never stop learning with this pool.
Flakes are gone! I will continue to lower the TA to 70 and now maintain it between 60-70 moving forward. Slightly negative CSI rather than slightly positive. But as close to zero as possible. Once again thank you for your help - I never stop learning with this pool.
Lower to 60 - it currently at 70.
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