Which pump & filter to buy?

Jul 1, 2016
Cleveland, Ohio
Hello All!
I have been slowly refurbishing an approx. 30,000 gallon pool for the last couple of years and am now at the point where i need to buy my pump & filter. I am in NE Ohio so my pool season is 4-5 months. Also, after reading several posts I decided to run 2" flex PVC for my 2 returns & 2 skimmers. Based on my limited research, I have been seriously considering purchasing a Variable Speed Leaf Ecopump along with a Pentair Quad 100 DE/Cartridge Filter. I would purchase a Pentair VS pump, however, since I will be installing this equipment myself, their warranty is only for 60 days - while the Leaf is for 2 years. Not entirely sure if I need a VS anyways? Would a 2 speed be better for me? Any and all feedback is appreciated!
It's a personal choice, but with that size a pool, and a "new" build I would suggest a VS, but two speed at minimum. Personally, I don't see a lot of sense adding a one speed anymore with all the options out there, but that's just my view. I love having the options a VS gives you without a question, and wouldn't trade for mine.

As for filters, I'm a big fan of sand filters. Nothing is easier, and you can't see the difference in the daytime. Also a fan of going large, and for that pool 36" would be nice, but 30" at minimum if you're asking me.

Welcome to TFP by the way. Good to have you aboard, and hope you enjoy your stay. :goodjob:
Hi Pat - thanks for the feedback and kind welcome! I ended up purchasing a Pentair Intelliflo VS Pump over the Leaf VS Ecopump. I have a good friend who is a professional HVAC/Mech Contractor who's said he would hook it up for me at a fair rate, so i could fall under Pentair's warranty for it. Also purchased the Pentair Quad 100 DE/Cartridge Filter. Based on what I've read and from my discussion with a couple people, these are 2 of the better/higher rated products available. I have to admit I didn't anticipate spending so much for these products, but I don't mind paying for good quality either. We'll see how they work out.
Thanks again!
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