Which is better for Above ground pools 1-1/2" or 2" PVC


Feb 13, 2011
Hello All,
I have done some searches in the forums, and most of the references to using 2" are for inground pools, so I thought I would ask the question, can I use ALL 2" PVC piping and valves for a 24' Above ground pool with a 1.5 HP single speed pump and 22" (60GPM) sand filter?

All the connections on my Pump, filter, skimmer, return fitting, and ozonator are 1-1/2", but my heater is 2"/2-1/2", there is very little cost difference in going from 1-1/2" to 2", but I'll have to reduce to 1-1/2" at each equipment connection (besides the Heater of coarse), My pipe runs will be around 15' to and from the pool into my pool shed. I intend on using Jandy or pentair Neverlube valves.
I have attached my proposed setup.

Which will perform better, 1-1/2" or 2"?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • Pool shed setup Model (2).jpg
    Pool shed setup Model (2).jpg
    237.5 KB · Views: 403
Thanks for the reply, I think I'll go with 2" then. I wasn't sure if having to reduce it down to 1-1/2" at each equipment connection would create turbulant problems or something?
Welcome to TFP :wave:

A 1.5hp pump is a bit much for a 24ft pool and 3/4hp would be just about right with a 200lb sand filter. Not sure if you have the opportunity to change that?
That 1½ hp Dynamo pump is pretty big but it's not as big as it sounds. They kinda fool you because the Sf is set at .95 or 1 so it's actually the same size, or even smaller than a full rated 1 hp pump.
Yeah the pump only has a FLA rating of 12A.
I have another question about my plumbing setup, the pipe between the Pump and filter, should I use the pipe that came with it (its smooth wall flexible 1-1/2", or should I hard plumb it with 1-1/2 pvc? (See Picture)


  • pool plumbing 1.JPG
    pool plumbing 1.JPG
    273.7 KB · Views: 344

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Thanks Jason,
I think then I will use the flex line for that short peice simply because the unions I have are 2" and I would have to reduce to 1-1/2" on each side of the union which is going to make that section pretty much all 1-1/2" anyways, while the rest of the plumbing setup is 2", not sure if that will affect anything?
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