What is backwashing and can I do it with a Pentair Clean & Clear?


Aug 27, 2021
Pleasant hill,ca
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Core-35
Every guide or explanation video shows a DE or Sand filter with a multiport valve. I'm in a situation where I would like to backwash water out of my pool but my setup doesn't have a multiport. I've heard if a multiport is used incorrectly it cause damage to a filter system.

I have a Pentair Clean and Clear. All I can think of using instead is maybe using is the drain plug at the bottom of the filter or add a spout like op. Last resort maybe just use a floor pump to throw out the water?
I'm in a similar boat as op. Every guide or explanation video shows a DE or Sand filter with a multiport valve. I'm in a situation where I would like to backwash water out of my pool but my setup doesn't have a multiport. I've heard if a multiport is used incorrectly it cause damage to a filter system.

I have a Pentair Clean and Clear. All I can think of using instead is maybe using is the drain plug at the bottom of the filter or add a spout like op. Last resort maybe just use a floor pump to throw out the water? Op do you mind sharing a picture of your setup?
Get a sump pump to use for draining. Harbor Freight or Amazon maybe.

Some setups have a hose spigot between the pump and filter that can be used for draining if necessary. But you can't drain below the pool skimmer in most pools.
Or install a 3 way valve between the pump and filter so you can send the water to waste in bulk.


This $83 submersible pushes close to 5k GPH when paired with a 1.5 inch hose
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