What did you do to your pool today?

Oh...NICE present! (I hope she thinks so :mrgreen: )

Thanks for the reports all! We got golfball hail last night and there's a big nasty mess in the pool and yard this morning. It was pretty ugly last night....kind of scary actually. :drown:
Toofast, were you confusing Father's Day with Mother's Day? (as I'm secretly hoping for one tomorrow!)

Patrick, I'm sorry about the storms.... Golf ball hail - until people have experienced that size hail, they have no idea how really big it is and the damage it can cause. That's the largest I've ever been in. I can't imagine softball size or larger.

Hopefully, you don't find any serious damage (roof?) - just a mess to clean up. Suz.
I hear ya, we are in for it today and tonight. Lots of debris around. Golfball and up hail is no fun! A friend west of DFW had softball hail last week that took out all the windows in the house!
Last night and this a.m. bad tunderstorms here too. Thankfully no hail. Hope everything is ok at your place Patrick.

Emptied skimmer, scooped out a few twigs off the bottom. Tested FC with OTO - all good of course.
Robot is running now and the sun is out. Man, I gotta get some better sunglass if im gonna keep looking as this sparkly pool of mine! :cool:
Had to put 8" of my liner bead back in the track. @waste's hot water tip in his "Liner out of track A-B-Cs" thread worked like a charm. Hot water, 5 minutes work and the liner is as good as new. :D. Plus, it was another excuse to get in the pool.
Opened! Whoo-Hoo! No leaks; everything looks good. Scooped up worms and pine needles. Brushed the steps and sides twice, and spot brushed the floor. Too arm-tired to vacuum or brush anymore. First tests soon after the water turns over. Added DE to the filter.

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I'm buying a house at the end of the month and have been planning my new pool! Friday I bought my new pump, pentair Dynamo 1hp 2 speed and today bought entry and exit steps off craigslist!

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Man....I can't keep up in here. Lot's of good stuff happening I see. Not much property damage, but a car I've been working on took a hit. Sad setback there. No roof or other house/building damage, but we have a steel roof. Quite a buit of damage nearby but we were lucky otherwise. It was scary though, that size hail is no laughing matter.

So, aside from yeard cleaup, I pulled out a trash can full of debris, mostly huge clusters of leaves...lot's of sticks, and twigs. Robot has been on duty, and still is. Regular tests and small additions so not much else. Enough for today though, I'm beat.
Tested, added MA, cleaned the leaf bag, and found millions of bugs - hoping that super chlorinating will kill them. They are multiplying!!! Never had these thing before. Grrrr

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That's a little strange. They aren't multiplying in the pool are they?

It's kind of hard to tell if the they are multiplying in the pool or not. There are also some microscopic red bugs on the flagstone.; and I mean VERY microscopic as in you have to be looking for them really close! I'm not sure if they are different stages of the same bug. We have never had this before. I don't know if it has to do with all the rain or not. There are different sizes in the pool. Originally I thought they were some kind of pollen or something because the black ones would just be in the skimmer, but then one day I noticed they were moving, like some kind of larvae. It's kinda gross. But yesterday, there were so many groups that my husband thought I had put in a chemical that clumped brown like oil. All I had added was MA so I went to look and got a little freaked out realizing it was millions of the mysterious bugs. I set the SWG to super chlorinate. This morning they were all in the skimmer and just a very small few in the pool. The picture above - well there were clumps like that in various places across the pool - as if they were migrating!

I have NO idea what they are. Since TFP, my pool water is in the best care it's ever been so kinda weird, it happens now. Makes me wonder if it's something in the pipes? I don't know!! [emoji53]

Would love to know what you all would do in my situation.

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