Water temp for slamming when opening


Active member
Aug 3, 2022
Downers Grove, Illinois
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I'm here in Illinois and plan to open my pool up in about 5-6 weeks. I have the pool company coming to open the pool, but my guess is that I should tell them to skip the opening chemicals and just get a water test done to start my SLAM. I have a pool heater, but would it be best to SLAM the pool while the water is much colder or is there an ideal temperature to get it at? I'm trying to get the SLAM done while it's still not terribly warm here so that I can do it once ideally and then be done. Any advice or things to worry about?
The warmer it gets, the more algae starts growing again. At some point near or above 60 degrees it starts growing exponentially again. Cold water SLAMs are always preferable.
just get a water test done to start my SLAM.
Just want to verify you're doing you own testing. Forget the inacuracy for a moment, and you'll need to test far too many times for the pool service/store to keep testing you for free. You can get away with 'I already have those chems at home' once or twice and then they won't want to help you anymore. And for OCLTs, they aren't even open.

Do you have any reason to know you need to SLAM ? Did you peek under the cover and it's green, for example ?
Just want to verify you're doing you own testing

If you don't have your own test kit, you cannot safely SLAM. You need your own test kit.

The warmer it gets, the more algae starts growing again. At some point near or above 60 degrees it starts growing exponentially again. Cold water SLAMs are always preferable.

Just want to verify you're doing you own testing. Forget the inacuracy for a moment, and you'll need to test far too many times for the pool service/store to keep testing you for free. You can get away with 'I already have those chems at home' once or twice and then they won't want to help you anymore. And for OCLTs, they aren't even open.

Do you have any reason to know you need to SLAM ? Did you peek under the cover and it's green, for example ?
I do my own testing during the summer. I just thought I would get a second set of eyes to know my CYA level as that is the test that I always find myself repeating a couple times. I haven't checked the pool yet since it's still under the winter cover, but that's a good idea. I'm just preparing/assuming I'll need to do a SLAM.
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I just thought I would get a second set of eyes to know my CYA level as that is the test that I always find myself repeating a couple times
That's their worst test. Trust yourself and if you're off by 10 it's within specs of what we need to do. :)
I haven't checked the pool yet since it's still under the winter cover, but that's a good idea. I'm just preparing/assuming I'll need to do a SLAM.
I'll sit by and root for you until we know more.
I am 5 mins to your east and opened last week
My water temp in the past two weeks has been 53-46 degrees
I would try and open in the next 1-2 weeks before water hits mid 50’s
We are expecting mid to high 70’s next week
I have always opened Early to mid April and close end of Oct to mid Nov depending on weather
That's their worst test. Trust yourself and if you're off by 10 it's within specs of what we need to do. :)

I'll sit by and root for you until we know more.

I just got the cover off in the corner today to give a quick peek. I could see the bottom in the 5.5ft deep end. The water looked slightly dirty, but I'm sure that is partially due to the winter cover and getting some stuff into the pool. I think once the filter runs, it will clean it up. I just assume you typically needed to SLAM to start the year. My water never looked better than after following this stuff last summer.
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The water looked slightly dirty, but I'm sure that is partially due to the winter cover and getting some stuff into the pool
Some fine sediment will get through the cover, but most of it blows under the cover on windy days (with a safety cover) Given months of sitting, it will settle on the floor. Mine always looked like gray sludge/silt. It took 3 or so passes with the vac and I was good to go.
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