Water Loss After Rinse


LifeTime Supporter
Jun 28, 2013
Lafayette, IN
Pool Size
So yesterday I backwashed my filter then did the rinse. I turned the pump off after the rinse. I woke up this morning to find that water level had dropped 8 inches! It was then that I noticed that I had neglected to return the filter to the regular filter setting. Is it normal for the pool to drain if the rinse setting is maintained and the pump is off?
Rinse goes to waste correct? Then leaving on Rinse could siphon water to Waste, even with the pump off, if your plumbing is set up such that siphoning can occur.

Take care.
Yes I can see how siphoning could set up then shuts off once the water gets low enough. The water loss must have ended several hours before I noticed it as there were no puddles in the grass and the driveway was drying off. Thanks! Now I feel better....just have to fill it back up and rebalance.
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