Water Chemistry-Free Chlorine

Since you are still failing the overnight FC loss test you need to maintain shock level of 24 ppm.

Once you lose less than 1 ppm overnight you should be good to reduce the FC providing CC's are < 0.5.

Sounds like you are almost there but it is important that you maintain FC shock level until you pass the overnight FC loss test.
A novice's two cent question? Could he be having a bit of an ammonia issue also eating up his chlorine? The pool looks great to be eating up that much chlorine. Following this out of curiosity and learning along with him!

It's possible. Improbable, but possible. Usually, once the pool holds chlorine after 30 mins, the ammonia should be all eliminated. Unless there is a secondary source. In the end, the solution is the same, keep the chlorine up until you can pass the three criteria.

The water is clear;
CC is 0.5 or lower;
You pass an OCLT (ie overnight FC loss test shows a loss of 1.0 ppm or less).
That is fine. Keeping your FC as near to SLAM level as you can is all you are trying to achieve.
Would it hurt to go one more evening at shock level to reduce the CC to 0? And again pass the OCLT...Just for piece of mind? (Sorry I'm compulsive like that.)
The process of converting bleach to oxidizing organics is pretty complicated. CC's is a by product of that process and will fluctuate between .5 and 0 ppm in a perfectly sanitized pool. So you may have 0 cc one day and .5 cc the next......all perfectly fine and nothing you can really do about it anyway.
That FC loss is very normal were I live at far lower FC. With your elevated FC/CYA ratio, due to SLAM, you will lose more than if you were at target level FC/CYA ratio.

All is good.
It is best. Especially since you should run the pump for at least 30 minutes prior to your morning test. So, if you are up more than 30 minutes before sunrise, technically, you could leave the pump off as long as you immediately go out and turn it on in the morning early enough.

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Just woke up and took a Free Chlorine reading and looks like I dropped 4 PPM overnight. It rained for three hours last night, maybe more. Would that have an effect on my chlorine? CC is .5 and the Pool water is crystal clear. Do I need to continue the SLAM process?
No. That just adds CYA as a moving target.

Keep the pucks for those times you are away from home for a few days to a week.
Tested this morning and didn’t lose any free chlorine, stayed at 28 PPM. CC is at .5 and the water is crystal clear. Finally!!!!

In the beginning I had my chlorine feeder on which I think ultimately raised my CYA so I was shocking at the incorrect level. I turned it off last night and checked the CYA and shocked at a higher level and everything worked out perfectly. When reading “how to SLAM”, it doesn’t say anything about turning the feeder off, maybe we should add that note?

Since my CYA was 70, do you think I should lower it a little or don’t worry about it right now?

Should I now maintain a FC of 8? How long will it take to get to that level? Can we swim now or do we need to wait?

Thanks again for all the advice!!
As long as your FC is below SLaM level you are fine to swim as far as FC is concerned. You might have pH concerns to consider. Once your FC gets under 10, you should do a complete set of tests and post the results.

As far as day to day FC, use the [FC/CYA]FC/CYA[/FC/CYA] to determine the proper FC level. So if you are at 70 CYA then you should be between 8-10 for FC
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