Was a little green... now just cloudy...

Jun 20, 2017
Rochester, NY
Hi,I let my FC to zero and left the pool covered for a solid week... opened it to find a greenish hue. My last three tests are as follows:PoolChem.jpgThe FC of 7.5 on Sept 2 is a result of shocking with 2 gal of 12% chlorine the previous day.I need to get some stabilizer... but other than that chem looks good.Filter has been running 24x7 for the past 4 days. I've been brushing daily and just vacuumed this morning (couldn't see the bottom).How do I get back to crystal clear water?Thanks,Doug
Keep SLAMming until it's clear. The cloudiness is dead algae that needs to be filtered out. Keep your chlorine at shock level until it passes OCLT and pool is clear. It takes patience... you can also add some DE to the sand filter as you slam and it helps trap the particles faster.
How about adding some clarifier? Description says, basically, that it lumps the dirt and dead algae together making bigger particles which are easier to vacuum/filter out.
Is that worth at shot?

Also, because my CYA (Stabilizer) is low, my shock level is also a fairly low FC. If I'm reading the table properly, my Shock FC level is 10.
Is the right?

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