vacation question


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May 30, 2020
Central PA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
We leave Friday afternoon for 10 days but I'm concerned about the pool just over this weekend. My mother is coming down to dog-sit Friday night through Sunday night but she won't do anything with the pool (long story). I'll take care of it as best I can Friday - run the pump, backwash the filter, run the robot, etc. If I bring the chlorine up, do you think it will be ok until Monday, as far as chlorine levels and the filter not being run for 2 days or am I asking for trouble? Starting Monday, I have a different dog/house sitter coming and she will maintain the pool everyday. I'm super hesitant to use pucks even for 2 days because I'm already running at a high CYA of 80. I think SLAM level is too high (31) for 2 days and I burn about 3 ppm per day right now so I'm think to bump it up by 7-8 just to be on the safe side. Does that sound reasonable? Other suggestions please.
Normally I would say a floater with pucks, but if your CYA is 80 I would agree that you should avoid those.

Feel free to take your FC even higher for peace of mind. The SLAM level for CYA of 80 is a FC of 31. Taking it all the way to 31 may be overkill, but I would not hesitate to take it to 20+. That way you can be sure you stay well above the minimum FC of 6 while you are gone, especially since you have a new dog/house sitter coming.
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I often leave for a long weekend at our second home. I just run the FC up based on my average daily usage and number of day gone. Never had a problem with a two/three day absence.
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